• Decarabia (Carabia) FALLEN ANGEL and 69th of the 72 SPIRITS OF SOLOMON.
  • Decarabia is a marquis in HELL with 30 LEGIONs of DEMONs reporting to him.
  • He appears as a star in a pentacle but changes into a man when ordered to do so.
  • He makes magical birds fl y before a magician and leaves them as FAMILIARs, singing and eating as ordinary birds do.
  • Decarabia knows the virtues of herbs and precious stones.


“Decarabia – (1) Marquis. 30 Legions of Spirits. (2) A marquis, comes in the form of a star in a pentacle, but puts on the image of man at command. He discovers the virtues of herbs and precious stones, makes birds seem to fly before the exorcist, and remain with him as familiars, singing and eating like other birds.”  – Source: Religious sources


“Decarabia – Decarabia is given no title in the hellish hierarchy, according to Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, but to The Lesser Key of Solomon he is a Great Marquis of Hell.  He has thirty legions of demons under his command.  Decarabia knows the virtues of all herbs and precious stones, and can change into all birds and sing and fly like them before the conjurer.  He is depicted appearing as a pentagram star, changing into a man under the conjurer’s request. Other spelling: Carabia.”  Source: Wikipedia


“Decarabia – A marquis, comes in the form of a star in a pentacle, but puts on the image of man at command. He discovers the virtues of herbs and precious stones, makes birds seem to fly before the exorcist, and remain with him as familiars, singing and eating like other birds.”  Source: BWC


“Decarabia – The Sixty-ninth Spirit is Decarabia. He appeareth in the Form of a Star in a Pentacle, at first; but after, at the command of the Exorcist, he putteth on the image of a Man. His Office is to discover the Virtues of Birds and Precious Stones, and to make the Similitude of all kinds of Birds to fly before the Exorcist, singing and drinking as natural Birds do. He governeth 30 Legions of Spirits, being himself a Great Marquis. And this is his Seal, which is to be worn, etc.”

 Source: Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon: The Initiated Interpretation of Ceremonial Magic http://amzn.to/2dp0MTL