The sigil of the demon Aim
  • Harborym
  • Hrborym
  • Aini
  • Aym

Goetia Demon:





The Enn pronunciation of his name is Ayer avage secore Aim [1]


  • Zodiac Position: 20-24 degrees of Cancer
  • Strongest: July 13th-17th
  • Tarot Card: 4 of Cups
  • Planet: Neptune
  • Candle Color: Deep Blue
  • Plant: Lemon
  • Metal: Tin / Neptunium
  • Element: Air
  • Rank: Marquis
  • Aim is a day demon commanding 26 legions of lesser spirits



Aim is the 23rd spirit of the 72 fallen angels ensnared by King Solomon..


He has domain over 26 legions of lesser spirits and is considered a grand duke in hell. He is also referred to as Hrborym, Aini, or Aym [2]. He has domain over the atmosphere in hell [4].


He makes men cunning and witty in addition to answering all kinds of questions [3]. This demon even has the ability to answer questions regarding unknown things. He gives secret counsel to the conjuror on private matters as well [3]. It is also suggested in other texts that he is the same as the demon Raum [3].


This demon manifests as a three-headed man of fair build. One of his heads is of a snake, another is of a cat, whereas the remainder is of a man [3]. The forehead of the human-like head bears two stars. He is always riding atop a viper and holding a torch in his hand. This demon has control over fire and can set entire cities ablaze with his firebrand / torch.



This demon is greatly knowledgeable and can answer even questions regarding unknown topics [2]. He can also offer counsel to the conjuror even in private matters.

With his firebrand, this demon can set whole cities and buildings on fire [3]. This is presumably under the control of the conjuror.

Aim is also able to make a person very intuitive, cunning, shrewd, or witty at the behest of the conjuror [3].


The demon appears as a man with three heads – a cat, a snake, and a human being’s. The human head bears two stars on the forehead. The rest of his body is of very proper build however.

He is always riding abreast a viper and brandishing a firebrand.



  • This demon can be summoned to give counsel on matters both unknown and private as he answers questions of all kinds.
  • The demon’s ability to set of massive fires could presumably be used in wars / conflicts. It is however unadvisable to engage such requests.
  • The demon can also induce wit and cunning on the part of the conjuror upon summoning.


  • Like other Goetic Demons, Aim is indifferent to the plight of humanity. He is a singular entity with an independent will which may not necessarily align with that of the conjuror.
  • The necessary steps to prevent against malicious attacks should be taken including all the aforementioned requirements.
  • The demon can then be evoked through praying to Lucifer in the following prayer:

Lord Satan, by your grace, grant me, I pray thee the power to conceive in my mind and to execute that which I desire to do, the end which I would attain by thy help, O Mighty Satan, the one True God who livest and reignest forever and ever. I entreat thee to inspire (Aim) to manifest before me that he/she may give me true and faithful answer, so that I may accomplish my desired end, provided that it is proper to his/her office. This I respectfully and humbly ask in Your Name, Lord Satan, may you deem me worthy, Father.

  • The demon is then dismissed respectfully after completion of both ends of the bargain.



  • Aim can induce wit and cunning on the part of the conjuror and can therefore be summoned for this purpose.
  • Aim can also be quite destructive as he can set entire cities ablaze with the torch that he brandishes.
  • His ability to answer all questions also makes him a viable prospect for giving counsel to conjurors on all matters.



This demon is indifferent to mankind and all necessary precautions against malicious attacks should be taken prior to evocation.

This demon has an unsettling appearance and is not to be summoned by inexperienced conjurors.




Balam – his is able to induce wit and cunning as well as foretelling the future

Ipos – this demon also induces wit

Moyle – this demon can also make people witty




If you have difficultly working with Aim, see the notes on asking Lucifer first, as above. Aim is a DAY demon and you should try this ritual during the day if you cannot do this at night.

Ritual of BWS


  • Aim Sigil
  • Dagger
  • a black mirror
  • Two candles
    • one red
    • one black
    • Note – you could also try using blue candles instead
  • Incense. We recommend a lemon or citrus scent
  • Lancet for blood drawing


  1. Light the candles and the incense, relax your mind and body and when you feel ready, begin to chant the mantra:

Ayer avage secore Aim

2. Keep chanting the mantra until you feel his energy.

3.Extract a drop of your blood on the sigil of Aim and say:

Aim, accept my blood as an offering,

 answer my calling,

manifest in this black mirror!

4. Now, focus your attention in the black mirror, raise your dagger and say these words:

In the name of the Aim, Duke of Hell,
I, (your name) call you to my temple.

Manifest yourself in this black mirror and answer my questions.
I request your help in (say the purpose of the ritual).

Aim, answer my calling, manifest your powerful presence.

In the name of Lucifer!
So Be It.

Keep your attention in the mirror.

5. Say the name Aim as a mantra, for as long as you need too

6. Open your mind until the contact is established.

7. When you want to finish,  thank Aim for his presence and close the ritual with words you feel comfortable using, or just say: So Be It



  1.  old


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