Demon Amdusias is here

Devil of sensuality and luxury, originally ‘creature of judgement’. He was the overseer of all the gambling houses in the court of Hell, and the general spreader of dissipation.

In addition, Asmodeus was the demon of lust, responsible for stirring up matrimonial trouble. At BWC, we mainly work with Asmodeus for “break-up” spells and rituals. 


  • He gives the ability to read others’ thoughts
  • confers invisibility
  • Can break up marriages &relationships. Asmodeus’ chief objectives are to prevent intercourse between husband and wife, wreck new marriages, and force husbands to commit adultery.
  • He teaches the arts of astronomy, arithmetic, geomancy and craftmanship.
  • It is said that “Asmodeus answers all questions and he discovers and guards treasures”, however this will depend on the skill of the occultist
  • He is also one of the chief demons involved in cases of POSSESSION. (He was one of the infernal agents blamed for the obscene  sexual  possession  of  the  Louviers  nuns  in  17th-century France)
  • He incites gambling, and it is said in the Malleus Maleficarum that he is the overseer of all the gambling houses in the court of Hell.


  • Rank: King*
  • Candle color: Black
  • Plant: Mint
  • Animal: Whale*
  • Planet: Neptune*
  • Metal: Copper when it turns Blue*
  • Element:
    • Water*


Asmodeus – Ayer avage Aloren Asmodeus aken


 He is usually portrayed as having three heads, those of an ogre, a ram, and a bull, all sexually licentious creatures; having the feet of a cock, another sexually aggressive creature; and having wings and the tail of a SERPENT.
He rides on a dragon and breathes fire.
GRIMOIRES  of  magical  instruction  sternly  admonish  anyone  seeking  an  audience  with  Asmodeus  to  summon  him  bareheaded out of respect.
When properly summoned, he gives full and true answers to all questions. He can make a person invisible and will reveal all treasures under the guard of Amaymon.



Asmodeus seems to be Persian in origin and may be identical to the demon Aeshma, one of the seven archdemons of Persian mythology. According to that tradition, he visited heaven every day to eavesdrop on the angels’ conversations.

The Latinized version of his name may be derived from the Hebrew, Ashmedai or Shamad (‘to destroy’), and it is among the Jews that Asmodeus achieved his highest degree of power. He belongs to the order of the Seraphim, the highest order of angels, from whence he fell. He is the son of Naamah and Shamdon. In his female incarnation, Asmodeus is the spirit of lust and the beautiful sister of Tubal-Cain. Often portrayed as an ugly man endowed with a pair of large wings, Asmodeus inspires men with such lust that they betray their wives.

This demon appears first in the apocryphal Book of Tobit, which tells how Asmodeus fell in love with a beautiful young woman and wanted to possess her. Sarah, the daughter of Raguel, had already been married to seven men, but the jealous demon had slain each one of them before the marriage could be consummated, Sarah was so deeply grieved that she thought of hanging herself, however, she did not want to bring disgrace and sorrow to her father, who was in old age. Praying fervently to God, she begged Him to have pity on her.

The Lord heard her prayer and sent the archangel Raphael to earth to help her new suitor, Tobias, the son of Tobit, to overcome the demon. Raphael taught the young man to prepare a charm by burning the heart and liver of the glanos fish, with incense made from tamarish wood. After the marriage ceremony, the newlyweds retired to their chambers, and Tobias did as the archangel had instructed him. When Asmodeus entered the room to kill the new husband, the odour of the burning incense drove him away.

Asmodeus is best known for his help in building King Solomon’s Temple. This story is told in the Testament of Solomon, and in a number of other ancient sources on magic and demons. When the Temple was being built, a demon plagued a boy by taking his pay and food, and making him sick. This boy was a favourite of Solomon. When the king heard the complaints, he went into the temple to pray for a night and a day so that he might gain power over the demon. The archangel Michael appeared to Solomon and gave him a magic ring which was inscribed with the powerful pentacle. This enabled the owner to command all spirits. With the help of this formidable weapon, the King freed the boy from the demon, and then proceeded to use the ring to call other demons to help complete the Temple.

According to the Aggadah, a traditional collection of Hebrew folklore, Asmodeus was the third demon to be conjured up. Solomon knew that Asmodeus was a particularly brutal captive. By hurling insults and thrusting the magic ring in his face, the King forced the demon to reveal the spell which would protect from the fiend’s evil influence. One day the King asked Asmodeus wherein the greatness of demons lay if their prince could be kept in bonds like a mortal. Asmodeus replied that if Solomon would remove the chains and lend him his magic ring, he would prove his greatness. When he was released, the demon seized Solomon, flung him out of Jerusalem and set himself up as king.

When Solomon returned, he surrounded himself by other demons and finally fell prey to their evil influence. He fell in love with a woman from the Shumannite tribe. Although there is very little information concerning this, it seems most likely that this woman was goaded in her seduction by Lilith , the queen of demons and equal in power to Asmodeus. For her sake, Solomon built a temple to Baal , sacrificed to Moloch , and thus fell one of the great wise men, perhaps the greatest of all magi.

During the Middle Ages, Asmodeus was considered an evil spirit who caused men to be unfaithful. He plotted against the newly-wed, and wasted the beauty of virgins.

It seems that despite Christianity, Asmodeus lost none of his evil energies, and he was much dreaded. It took a figure of truly great power, such as John the Baptist, to help the tempted man oppose this demon. Sister Elizabeth, one of the Louviers nuns, was said to have been possessed by Asmodeus. He was supposedly sent to trouble her by two witches, Father Picard and Sister Madeleine Bavent.

Paul Lucas, a medieval writer and traveller, describes meeting Asmodeus during one of his journeys through Egypt. The Courier de L’ Egypte reports that at the time many Egyptians still adored the serpent Asmodeus. The serpent had a temple in the desert of Ryanneh. There he was said to cut himself into pieces, and to reappear immediately afterwards, healed and whole.

The medieval demonologists ranked him high in the hierarchy of hell, calling him ‘a strong and powerful king disposing of seventy-two legions.’ He is described as possessing three heads: the first one resembling that of a bull, the second that of a man, and the third that of a ram. He has the tail of a serpent, the feet of a goose, and fiery breath. Carrying a banner and a lance, he appears mounted on a dragon.

Asmodeus bequeaths his followers with rings engraved with planetary symbols. He teaches men the difficult but useful art of becoming invisible, as well as instructing them in geometry, arithmetic, astronomy, and the mechanical sciences. He has vast knowledge concerning buried treasures, and can be forced to reveal their site with the help of appropriate spells and incantations.


Prepare your temple. You must use a dark mirror for this ritual

Say in a loud voice:

“Come forth ________! Oh great demon hear my plea.

I call thee up by the power of Lucifer and by thine own most secret name ________.

By thine own glyph inscribed with thy name I summon thee.

Appear now that I may have council with thee.

I conjure thee ancient demon without fear and trembling.

I am not afraid as I stand within my temple of darkness.

Come forth and manifest thyself in the dark glass which is prepared for thee. Show thyself ________!

Oh ancient demon I summon thee.

Appear unto me now in a form that is not unpleasant so that I may gaze upon thee.

Come thou ________, without delay from wherever in thy world thou mayest be. Come and answer all questions truthfully in a voice which is clear and understandable.”

Repeat this conjuration three times.

If the demon does not appear it is likely you are not just not sensing this energy as yet. Meaning the demon is there, you can’t sense it! So, don’t get discouraged if you don’t succeed the first time.

Copyright BWC

In Honor of Asmodeus

Almighty Lucifer, mighty Asmodeus

Thy great teacher, thou doth honor thee!

Asmodeus, thy pearls of wisdom shine as bright as the stars in the night sky

With this His chosen shall never die by ignorance

But with dignity, truth and knowledge.

Asmodeus, King of Demons oh do shine your divine wisdom on those who wish to seek His infernal love and those deserving of it.

May you both hear our pleas as we strive on our quest to raising our Golden Serpents and becoming as a God.

May we be your guests at a summoning to hear this Infernal everlasting knowledge.

O’ great Asmodeus may your name be honored for eternity.

So Be It.



Throughout history, he has been regarded as one of the most evil of SATAN’s infernal demons. Asmodeus is a Day Demon, he is among the legions of AMAYON and rules 72 legions of spirits Asmodeus carries the title “King of the Demons”

Asmoday Sigil


The figure of Asmodeus in Rennes-le-Château.



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21 thoughts on “Asmodeus

  1. TheKindredRynn says:

    All Hail King Asmodeus. I am in Pact with him, and he delivers everything he promises. I hereby vow to uphold my contract to its fullest and will provide the offerings i have promised.

    Thank you for allowing me to post this.

  2. Blackwolf says:

    I give praise and thanks to Asmodeus. I was having difficulty with astral projection and asked him for his assistance and with his aid was able to overcome my block. Offerings over several rituals have been myrrh and frankincense incense, orange or black or white candles, red wine, flavored whiskey, apricot brandy, a mint candy at every ritual, fresh fruit, nuts, and snack meats. Chanted his enn while looking at his sigil many times until I felt his presence then made my petition.

  3. jwolf11 says:

    Okay so I worked with Asmodeus at midnight. After envisioning my circle of white light surrounding me I meditated on his symbol which I drew bigger on a paper and was clear about what I wanted. I also put wine on the alter as a token of appreciation. Afterwards I went to sleep (usually my visions come through dreams). I noticed as the time progressed to 2am it was harder to fall asleep because I felt such a strong presence and as if there were multiple spirits so I didn’t end up falling asleep till around 3:30am. In my dream I saw a man and when I woke again at 4am I saw a lady in white glowing white in front of the alter. Did I ask for the wrong spirit? Lol I’m confused. It was a strange experience because I expected to experience something scary but it was quite the opposite. I grew up with strong psychic abilities as a kid and I know what it’s like dealing with spirits and being spooked so I was expecting that. Anyways that was my experience using his sigil.

    • BWS says:

      All I can say, is that I am impressed! Perhaps someone else knows who this could be, but demons can manifest in “pleasing forms”. What did you do or say to the Lady in White?

  4. C says:

    You’ do not really need any material/s too summon [call forth the demon’ if you’ are respectful’ & let the demon know telepathically what thou intention/s are; and that you are not wasting their time (too use energy to come too the person who’ve called them. All you’ need is a pure intention’. Demon’s can be very understanding; in the beginning of time (Man only had his heart & mind.

    Hail Asmodeus’

  5. Jade says:

    I am looking to summon Asmodeus for mere companionship and magickal assistance. How would I summon him and what materials would I need? (I am new to demon summoning so your information is greatly needed)

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