Buer is the 10th Spirit of the Lemegeton’s Goetia. He is the Great President who rules over 50 (or 15 according to some authors) legions of spirits.


Zodiac Position: 15- 19 degrees of Taurus

Superior: Agaliarept

Dates: May 5th- 9th, June 21-July 1; May 21-25; Aug 23-27; Feb 25-29; Nov 28-Dec 2;

D/N: Diurnal

Gematria: 209

Tarot Card: 6 of Pentacles

Planet: Mercury

Direction:  South

Element: Earth, Fire

Qlipha: Samael (Mercury/Adrammelech)

Color: Light Blue, Orange, Red, Light Pink, Purple, Yellow, Blue

Plant: Aloe

Metal: Mercury

Incense: Storax

Other Attributions: Hydrangea Root, Storax, Aloe, Angelica, Acacia, Vervain, Mercury

Demonic Enn: Erato on ca Buer anon


Just like other demons, he has different appearances. Demon Buer often appears with a lion’s head and five goat legs which allow him to move in every direction. This image was created by Louis Le Breton, depicting the demon as having the head of a lion and five goat legs surrounding his body to walk in every direction.

He can also be depicted as looking like a centaur- a creature with the body of a horse and having the head and torso of a man.

Buer appeared to V. K Jehannum in the form of a man with night-black skin and matching hair. His eyes were white and without pupils. On his second summoning, he appeared as a blood-drinking ghoul and he had a silver and steel face mask that prevented him from biting people. His robes were black and tattered, his eyes were black too and his head was bald.

Black Witch Coven teaches the practitioner to do their own research on each of the spirits. To base your final opinion upon the viewpoint of another individual and the way they have decided to describe any spirit is limiting.


  • He is a teacher of Logic and Philosophy.
  • He knows the virtues of all herbs and plants.
  • He is also a teacher of Herbal Medicine and can heal all wounds and illnesses.
  • He gives good familiars to his dedicated summoners. These familiars aid the summoner in his magickal and healing practices.
  • He presides over instincts, self-initiation, nature magick and self-transformation.
  • According to S. Connolly Daemonolatry Goetia, you can call on this spirit to rectify your bad behaviors or addictions.
  • He imparts the witch with the wisdom to discern when magick is warranted or not.
  • He can help you distinguish between what is moral and natural.
  • He can transform a man into a boy and a boy into a man.
  • He strengthens the witch’s second sight and her astral healing.
  • If you seek to practice psychic vampirism then this spirit would be an efficient ally.
  • He also teaches the witch the framework of Natural Law.

Working with Buer:

Crowley shares his thoughts about the evocation of Buer, and the appearance of this Demon, in the Goetia. He said that the Demon did not look as described in this boo and that one should Not consider their ritual a failure if the Demon appears in a different form.

For those who intend to summon this demon, it is important to note that Buer does not approve of the use of drugs or alcohol. So, the summoner is expected to abstain from those things prior to the ritual day.

If you summon him while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, he might consider that as disrespectful. Also, after a successful encounter with him, do not forget to show appreciation to him. Just find out from him what he would like you to give to him in return.

Demon Buer is a cool daytime spirit that appears when the Sun is in Sagittarius. He can be summoned using his sigil, light blue candles, aloes, and mercury.

He is usually very strong in early May. After setting up your altar you can call on him using his traditional enn: “Erato On Ca Buer Anon.” or any other useful summoning chant.

Let us see some experiences shared online by people who worked with Buer.

“I worked with Buer concerning a family member’s potentially life-threatening infection and they were fixed up within 24 hours. I was expecting an insurance nightmare as a lot of cards were stacked against me during that period.

It was likely that we might be denied treatment but we were treated so well by the staff. Buer is a wonderful spirit of power and magnanimity.”


“I evoked Buer last night to help heal someone in a lot of physical pain. And today the pain is all gone. He worked faster than any spirit I’ve called so far for healing. Thank you Buer! You are one of the most sympathetic and efficient demons I have ever evoked.”


“I used Buer’s seal on myself for a minor infection I caught. I had dialed him up once and had him work on me. He worked quite rapidly! Why? I had dialed in his rate using the Template method and this saved much time and effort. Again, I used the “Thrice Per Day” method to send my desire to Buer.”

—Carpe Nocturne



  • https://forum.becomealivinggod.com/t/thanks-to-buer/7715
  • http://www.theparanormalguide.com/blog/buer
  • http://www.molochsorcery.com/buer.html
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buer_(demon)
  • http://www.gods-and-monsters.com/buer.html
  • https:// vkjehannum. com/2017/06/06/buer-goetia-10/
  • http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DEMONIV.html


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