CLAUNECK has power over goods and riches; he can discover hidden treasures to him who makes pact with him; he can bestow great wealth, for he is well loved by Lucifer. He brings money from a distance.

Obey him, and he will obey thee.


Clauneck is well loved by Lucifer, and he is summoned because he has the ability to bestow wealth, either by bringing money over a great distance or by assisting in the discovery of hidden treasure. Clauneck is the demon of wealth, known to be obedient to his summoners, but only to those who show him the proper respect

  • Clauneck is conjured with regularity to promote health, wealth and wellbeing.
  • Clauneck falls under the planet Mercury with Virgo as his zodiac sign (27°), which stands for extremity. (2)
  • Clauneck is a day demon, there is no seal of Clauneck because Clauneck is not one of the 72 demons summoned by King Solomon.
  • Clauneck works as one of the 18 servitors of under Duke Syrach, 
  • NOTE – Clauneck is not one of the 72 demons summoned by King Solomon. Clauneck works under Duke Syrach


Other Attributes:

Planet: Mars
Stones: Garnet, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Ruby
Colors: Light Green, Red
Day: Tuesday
Metals: Bronze, Brass
Herbs: Pennyroyal, Mugwort, Basil, Cardamon
Plants: Cacti, Holly
Numbers: 4,16
Element: Fire, Water
Time: Day
Animals: Horse, Deer, Wolf
Incense: Dragons blood

Offerings: alcohol, wine, and candles. Also pork!

Other names: Claunt

Listed/Appears in:


Ahvalen Esen Clauneck Kiar


clauneck sigil

Clauneck’s Unusual Sigil

A brief dissection of Clauneck’s sigil helps glean insight into his nature. The sigil of Clauneck is an amalgamation of the brain, eye, and heart with a hint of the male phallus (the function is the same in respect to female genitalia). The brain, eye, heart and phallus are four weighing scales by which merit is assessed.

1. The brain with knowledge and experience.

2. The eye deciphering ascetic and contour.

3. The heart through emotional reactions.

4. The phallus by way of sexual charge or interest.

Clauneck’s sigil illustrates how we weigh the merit of whom and what we interact with. As a spirit of acquisition, commerce, and wealth, Clauneck is “free market” in the most extreme sense. Just like the “market” Clauneck has no moral objections, and will offer advice on trafficking humans as dispassionately as he would if queried on the selling of cupcakes. Clauneck cares nothing for the product itself, but instead its worth. As off-putting as this seems it terms of unnerving frankness and uncorrupted honesty, Clauneck is priceless in his unbiased counsel. (1)

Tips on Working With Clauneck

  • Be aware that while Clauneck is open to working with you, his methods of assistance maybe frustrating to you if you’re expecting an easy ride. You will be expected to “pull your own weight” and put in much effort. You must be willing to focus on your own. and then Clauneck will help the goal manifest.
  • Clauneck is a day demon
  • If you would like to set your environment to welcome Clauneck, you may like to use his sigil, green candles, & offer wine
  • Make a pact with him, and he will give you money and wealth.

Praising Clauneck

You can show a demon gratitude by giving them public praise. This can be done in any way you can.

For one of my working with demon students who connected with Clauneck, she offered praise by doing this fabulous painting. Clauneck gave her the instruction on how he wanted to be portrayed. I was told he was very pleased with the end result. And for the record, she has already felt the benefits of the relationship.

Student Portrait of Clauneck. May, 2016


Where is the seal of clauneck?

There is no seal of Clauneck. Because Clauneck is not one of the 72 demons summoned by King Solomon.

[box] Solomon’s demons have a seal around them as they are BOUND by the seal. So in actual fact, we should not use this seal when summoning. Don’t sweat it if you do already – the demon knows your intentions. And its better to have some seal/sigil than none.[/box]

Clauneck works under Duke Syrach.

A scared Mom wrote on a Reddit forum a post about her little girl talking to a demon called Syrach

SEE: Two year old seeing a demon

“Okay, so since my daughter was born she has always “seen” something. She talks to it and even tries to blame it for things she does. Since last month this thing she is always talking to has a name now. She calls him syrach, And he’s “scary.” She plays and laughs with him most of the time, but sometimes like tonight she just keeps pointing to nothing (aka him) and saying “syrach scary mommy. Scared. Syrach scared.” She will get real worried and run out of the room. Now she does this at my parents house too. I finially looked up the name syrach and syrack. It comes up info on duke syrach, this like demon who rules over a few other demons. When I asked her to tell me what syrach looks like she just said scary and made a monster roar sound. Can anyone give my any info on syrach? And should I be worried?”

Ummm…..for sure you should be scared.  The Mom needs a professional on this matter, or she needs to connect with the demon herself and work it out!

So who is Duke Syrach?

Syrach is a bit of a mystery too if you try and research him. Syrach has 18 demons listed under him  (Clauneck, etc.). However, Syrach’s seal is not to be found either, and I can’t find information on him, other than the list of the 18 inferior demons he rules. Syrach can force his demons to follow the summoners requests.

In the Grimorium Verum Clauneck is first or “numero uno” in the ordering of the eighteen servitor spirits. Clauneck’s numbering demonstrates his supremacy within the legion’s hierarchy, and denotes the respect held for him by Lucifer. However even more importantly the number one is the first indication of value by which all value is essentially an addition or subtraction of “1” or a sum totals of “1s”.

Clauneck appears in Jacques Collin de Plancy’s Dictionnaire Infernal first published in 1818. (1)

It is through Clauneck that the tradition contained within the Grimorium Verum can go from “0” or un-manifested to “1” meaning manifested, or a no-thing to a some-thing. 

Duke Syrach’s inferior demons are:

  1. Clauneck
  2. Musisin
  3. Bechaud
  4. Frimost
  5. Klepoth
  6. Khil
  7. Mersilde
  8. Clisthert
  9. Sirchade
  10. Segal
  11. Hicpacth
  12. Humots
  13. Frucissiere
  14. Guland
  15. Surgat
  16. Morail
  17. Frutimiere
  18. Huictiigaras



Clauneck, an illustration from the “Dictionnaire Infernal” by Jacques Collin de Plancy. 1863

Clients’ Experiences Working with Clauneck

IMAGE: Client shared image of offering left for Clauneck. The pork chop had a bite !

A client shared this image after making his offering to Clauneck for the first time. Clauneck accepted the spells and to work with the client, who has several large “new-age” and “just legalized” style businesses.

“Look at the bite marks in the pork I could believe it……”

The client set up an altar to Clauneck in his workplace.

BWC IMAGE: Altar to Clauneck

“This is our altar to clauneck.  3 sigils. 2 wood burned in sides the red one was done with 3 works and my blood mixed in the pant. The box is 23 insq everything is done in odd numbers. It over looks the barn.  Check out the bud.”


Another client found the following after the offering.

“…I now have the patience and would work accordingly to get closer to King Clauneck. I offered him Red Wine on Tuesday and saw his image behind me.

In my visualization I see only his big legs, but I know he will soon appear to me in full. “


  1. Web
  2.  “Working with Clauneck”Morino Ravenberg. 2016-08-08. Retrieved 2017-08-09.

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Praise to Clauneck from Max Alexander, on our BWC FB

June 25, 2019

I am here to proclaim my gift by the Great King Clauneck. I was doing preperation for my ritual tomorrow. I careful wrote my words to speak to him. I began to rehearse out loud my desire. ( The thing to note on this is set I have been suffering with a terrible L5 S1 herniated disc.) Satisfied I had my ritual ready I went about my day. I have an inversion table that has been helping with my back issue. Today under advice from a friend I got on my table and did an invertion. I heard and felt a pop in my back. In my spinal column. I began to feel relief after months and weeks of suffering. The numbness is disappearing. The leg spasms are gone. I feel circulation in my leg and feet again. The Great King Clauneck has gifted me this. I Thank Him and openly proclaim his gift to me for all to hear!


Clauneck is the demon of wealth, known to be obedient to his summoners, but only to those who show him the proper respect.

One of the eighteen Servitors of Syrach, Clauneck is well loved by Lucifer, and he is summoned because he has the ability to bestow wealth, either by bringing money over a great distance or by assisting in the discovery of hidden treasure.


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Lottery Winning System

Demons for Money

(72) Andromalius (finds it)
(58) Amy (shows the way to fortune and wealth)
(26) Buné
(40) Raum (steals it)

8 thoughts on “Clauneck

  1. wmarksamzl says:

    Clauneck delivers he likes offerings of wine me personally I took his sigil and put it in a frame then post on Facebook or Instagram.Practice opening your third eye put blood on his sigil with green or red candles.He will appear if you’ve ever seen the movie predator with Arnold Schwarzenegger it looks just like that you’ll see these invisible lines and will see him there.Show him respect and build a relationship with him.Also go bury your offerings after your ritual is complete.

  2. Claves R Custos says:

    Quick question or two regarding Clauneck, if I may:
    ​1. Does he work well alongside or with Bune?
    2. If one is not of the Christian persuasion, are there alternate invocations?​

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