Icosiel is both a Demon and an Aerial Spirit

Icosiel is said to be an aerial spirit and demon who works in conjunction with “assistants” to break up a couple. You could also ask for Icosiel to break up your own bad relationship or marriage.

Icosiel sigil
BWC – working with demons. The sigil of Icoseil and 3 assistant demons

The three demons who assist:

  • Larphiel
  • Thanaliel
  • Zosiel


  • #6 of the Aerial Spirits of Solomon
  • Has 100 Dukes and over 300 companions. The most popular 15 Dukes of these 100 are Machariel, Pischiel, Thanatiel, Zosiel, Agapiel, Larphiel, Amediel, Cambriel, Nathriel, Zachariel, Athesiel, Cumariel, Munefiel, Heresiel, Urbaniel.
  • They are all said to be of a good nature and will do what they are commanded. They appear most commonly in houses because they delight most therein. They are to be called in the 24 hours of the day and night: That is to divide the 24 hours into fifteen parts according to the number of the spirits, beginning with the first at Sunrise and with the last at Sun rising next day.

Working With Icosiel

Black Witch Coven suggests you can work with Icosiel to break up a couple and cause conflicts between that couple.

Ritual for breaking up a couple with Icosiel within the WWD Course

Solomons Conjuration of Icosiel :

If you are into Solomon style rituals, the traditional ritual below will have you connecting with Icosiel.  You will need to research the detailed preparation rituals in order to have success, however many people enjoy the structure and tradition of this style of magic.

Here is the conjuration required in this ritual.

I conjure thee o thou mighty and potent prince Icosiel who wandereth here and there in the Air with thy Dukes and other thy Servient Spirits. I conjure thee Icosiel that thou forthwith appear with thy attendance in the first hour of the night [or other as your operation is done], here before me in this crystal stone (or here before this Circle) in a fair and comely shape to do my will in all things that I shall desire of you.

I conjure and powerfully command of you Icosiel by him who said the word and it was done: and by all the holy and powerful names of God and by the name of the only creator of heaven, Earth, and hell and what is contained in them Adonay, El, Elohim, Elohe, Elion, Escerchie [Escherie], Zebaoth, Jah, Tetragrammaton, Saday.

The only lord god of the hosts, that you forthwith appearth unto me here in this crystal stone (or here before this circle) in a fair and comely humane shape: without doing any harm to me or any other creature that god Jehovah created or made; But come ye peaceably, visibly and affably, now without delay manifesting what I desire, being conjured by the name of the eternal living and true God: Helioren, Tetragrammaton, Anephexeton, and fulfill my commands and persist unto the end; I conjure, command and constrain you spirit Icosiel, by Alpha and Omega.

By the name Primeumaton, which commandeth the whole host of heaven and by all those names which Moses named when he by the power of those names brought great plagues upon Pharaoh, and all the people of Egypt. Zebaoth, Escerchie, Oriston, Elion, Adonay, Primeumaton and by the name of Schemes. Amathia, which Joshua called upon and the sun stayed his course, and by the name of Hagios, and by the Seal of Adonay and by Agla, On, Tetragrammaton.

To whom all creatures are obedient and by the dreadful Judgement of the high God and by the holly angels of heaven and by the mighty wisdom of the great god of hosts That you come from all Parts of the world and make rational answers unto all things I shall ask of you, and come you peaceable visible and affable speaking unto me with a voice intelligible and to my understanding therefore come, come yea in the name of Adonay, Zebaoth, Adonay, Amioram, come, why stay you, hasten. Adonay, Saday the king of kings commandeth you.

When Icosiel is appeared show him his seal, and the Pentacle of Salomon, saying :

Behold your conclusion [possibly- confusion] if you be disobedient. Behold the Pentacle of Solomon which I have brought here before thy presence: Behold the person of the Exorcist who is called Octinomos, in the midst of the Exorcism, who is armed by God and without fear, who potently invocateth [invokes] you and called you to appear, therefore make rational answers to my demands and be obedient to me your master in the name of the Lord Bathat rushing upon Abrac Abeor coming upon Aberer.

Then they or he will be obedient and bid you ask what you wish, for they are subjected by God to fulfil your desires and demands, and when they or he have appeared and showed themselves humble and meek,

Then you are to say:
The welcome unto the spirit

Welcome [thou] Icosiel, I say you are welcome unto me because I called you through him who created both heaven and Earth and Hell and all that is contained therein and you have obeyed also by the same power that I called you forth [by] I bind you that you remain affably and visibly hear before this circle (or before this circle in this Triangle/ Brazen Vessel)

At this point in the ritual, the formalities are given over to the Magickian to tell the Spirit what they want them to do, or the questions that need to be asked. Some sections in the 72 Spirits state that the Spirit’s are of a high stature, and so should be treated with dignity, so you should treat the Spirit as such.

Remember, what you are doing in these Orations is placing yourself at the point of, or at the hand of, God, and so are a representative of the power thereof. Hence, you must act in such a manner to keep power over the Spirit. Most of the power of these Orations is in the fact that you scare them into submission, so to show that you are not powerful, is to lose the respect of the Spirit, and your actions will therefore go astray.

The licence to depart

O Thou spirit Icosiel because thou has very diligently answered my demands and was ready and willing to come at my first call I do hear licence thee to depart unto thy proper place without doing any Injury or danger to any man or beast. Depart I say and be ever ready to come at my call being duly exorcised and conjured by the sacred rites of Magick. I charge thee to withdraw peaceably and quietly, and the peace of God be ever continued between me and thee. Amen.
After you have given the spirit licence to depart you are not to go out of the Circle till they be gone and you have made prayers unto God for the great blessing he has bestowed upon you in granting you your desires and delivering you from the malice of the enemy- the Devil.





  1. Image – http://genies.wikia.com/wiki/File:Icosiel.jpg


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