Who Is Lilith?
Queen of the witches. Lilith is a goddess of the night and darkness with the ability to bend the energies of darkness to her benefit [3].
It would be fair to say that everybody on the path of enlightenment a.k.a. the left-hand path, has respect for Lilith. In modern times we say she is the queen of the Demons, however, she has been visiting us here on this planet since the beginning of time. She is a moon goddess
Today come out we please her abode near to the Red Sea. There in the caves she waves her magical influence overall she touches, sending servitors and succubi into the world to do her bidding.
She has manifested throughout the centuries under different disguises and has been called many names. Some of these names include:
Kali – (Sanskrit: “She Who Is Black” or “She Who Is Death”) in Hinduism, goddess of time, doomsday, and death, or the black goddess (the feminine form of Sanskrit kala, “time-doomsday-death” or “black”).
Inanna – Summerian
Hekate – the ancient Greek goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, moon, ghosts and necromancy.
Gilgamesh she’s named the Lilu.
In Greco-Roman tradition she became Lamia
Other Names include – Ita, Batna, Talto, Abito, Amizo, Izorpo, Kokos, Odam, Podo, Eilo, Patrota, Abeko, Kea, Partash/a
The name lilû we commonly see who referred to is not her name. This name is derived from the class of Mesopotamian demons called lilû (feminine: lilītu), and the name is usually translated as “night monster.”
The ultimate feminist?
Lilith won’t stand for this dismissal and repression and has the need to fight for her rights. The subject of female sexuality has been evolving for ages, but it still hasn’t reached the point in which it is equal to that of man.
Modern Christianity hasn’t really moved very far from the point where Eve is the best manifestation of women. Women are not going to be pushed aside and told to have babies, and leave the important decisions up to the man – as Eve did for Adam. Lilith, said to be the first woman on the earth, told Adam she had no plans to have a lesser role than to be an equal, and the rest is history. Lilith remains to be and independent Goddess who fears no one,
Seeing through illusions, women’s mysteries, protection of women and children (especially infants), sexuality, sex magick, boldness, independence, discernment, self-esteem, justice, false accusations, ending gossip, reconciliation, slander, inspiration, divination, attaining familiars, acquisition of wealth, attaining fame, black magick, astrology, necromancy, pyromancy, transforming dark energy into usable energy, removing curses and Auric attachments, defensive magick, spiritual healing (5)
In Magic:
See: Queen of Wands
In magic, Lilith can assist to bring out the dark side of the feminine role….. in all of us. To truly understand Lilith, no matter our gender, we have to become aware of our feminine sexual nature that cannot be contained or controlled.
- Lilith can appear to resolve women issues as far as fair treatment and equal rights. All in all, she offers all forms of help to women [5].
- Lilith is a sex goddess (succubus) and any acts of summoning presumably take this into account [6]. The demon can possibly be called forth to improve lovemaking – presumably through use of its energy.
- It is said that Lilith chooses who she appears to and is not to be summoned [5]. Given her nature as a succubus, it is conceivable that the demon appears to women to offer them assistance whilst men are sought for more amorous purposes [6].
- liquor and wine.
- incense such as musk, jasmine, dragon’s blood, and sandalwood
- Flowers like roses, hibiscus, chrysanthemum
- Crystals like onyx, moonstones, diamonds, and obsidian.
- Always have the sigil included in whatever ritual you decide to form. Even if you’re using the dark mirror, I recommend that you draw the sigil in blood on the mirror
To create the best atmosphere, try summoning in a dark room with appropriate music, ensure you have offerings such as red wine, your blood, or blood on a black candle while filling the air with the fragrance of incense.
- Stay focused on your mission – why are you calling her? Create a petition and simply state the reasoning for calling out to Lilith.Before saying her ENN or an incantation. Next draw a small amount blood from a finger – add a few drops to the paper. Focus on the connection. When you’re done, place the petition into a fire-safe bowl and set it alight.
Lilith’s Hebrew name should be written in ink and blood on the palm of the summoner’s left hand. Optionally, one can also mark their right palm with the Hebrew name of Lilith’s partner, Samael, and call to him as well.
- Pour an offering of red wine into a chalice and place it on the altar containing Lilith’s sigil flanked by red and black candles. Recite an invocation before consuming the wine and moving to a prone position to relax and receive Lilith.
Incense: Jasmine, ginseng, lotus, red sandalwood, dragon’s blood, cinnamon, olibanum, camphor, myrrh, jasmine, willow, black copal, white sandalwood; frankincense, golden copal, amber, saffron, myrrh, cloves
Ritual Tools: Mirror, stones, burning bowl, charcoal, seals/sigils, aspergillum, chalice; bell (Lilith the Elder)
Animal: One of her sacred symbols is the owl.

There are many stories, so here are a few of the common thoughts about Liliths origins:
Lilith was Adam’s first wife, his partner before Eve ever came to exist, who was an equal to man. While Eve is mostly depicted as this curvy, motherly figure of obedience and blind respect, Lilith was everything uncontained, uncontrolled, attractive, sexual, and disobedient, showing will of her own and impossible to tame. Being exiled from Heaven due to her character and the trouble she created for Adam, Lilith became bitter, hurt with injustice, and turned into a witchlike creature, best presented through something similar to the role of Medusa in Greek mythology.
This demon does not appear in the Ars Goetia and can therefore not be classified as one of the spirits of Solomon. Nevertheless, this demon has a high ranking among the spirits of hell and is regarded as a feminine demon. It is thought that this demon has her origins within the Mesopotamian culture which recognized an earlier class of female demons referred to as lilitu [2]. The similarities between both pronunciations cannot go unnoticed. The Tablet XII of the Epic of Gilgamesh is among the first mentions of her [1].
Lilith is described as a female demon within several classical texts of Babylonian, Jewish, and Akkadian origins [1]. There are mentions within the Jewish folklore (Alphabet of Sirach), of Lilith having been created alongside Adam and was actually his first wife [3]. She refused to be subservient with him even going as far as coupling with the archangel Samael whereupon she refused to return to the Garden of Eden [3]. The Babylonian Talmud describes her as having a dangerous sexuality which is uncontrollable [4].
She is expressly mentioned within Jewish mythology and is said to be the lover and consort of the former archangel Samael (some say Asmodeus) To put things into perspective, Samael is referred to as the Adversary and this should not be confused with Satan. It is alleged that Samael and Lilith have several offspring – presumably other demonic entities [3].
Within Christian text in the bible, the word “Lilith” is used to describe a group of animals thought to be unclean. It is noteworthy that the bible’s use of the pronoun “her” in reference to this particular set of text is quite telling however. Another instance arises when a biblical prophet encounters her in the desert [4].
The Dead Sea Scrolls make a greater allusion to this demon however. More specifically, Songs of the Sage, mentions Lilith among a group of other beings considered evil [4]. The overlying factor with regard to Lilith is the possibility for supernatural malevolence. She is portrayed as having a propensity for chaos as well as other perceptibly immoral behaviors.
“And I, the Master, proclaim the majesty of his beauty to frighten and ter[rify] all the spirits of the destroying angels and the spirits of the bastards, the demons, Lilith, the howlers (?) and [the yelpers…] they who strike suddenly to lead astray the spirit of understanding and to appal their heart and their… in the age of the domination of wickedness and the appointed times for the humiliation of the sons of ligh[t], in the guilt of the ages of those smitten by iniquity, not for eternal destruction but for the humiliation of sin.”
Song for a Sage Vermes translation.
Lilith is a female demon with wings and noticeably long hair. Not much else is known regarding this demon’s manifestations except that she resembles a human female. Furthermore, it is also conceivable that she would take up the conventional image of a succubus [6].
There are other depictions of Lilith with bird’s feet and talons. Atop her head is a cap with several protruding pairs of horns [4]. It is noteworthy that this depiction has since been dismissed as actually being the Sumerian goddess Imanna.
Most portrayals show her as a winged woman although some do not. All portrayals however incorporate her long hair.
- Lilith is regarded the first woman ever made although her rebellion resulted in her banishment and subsequent adoption of demon status. Presently, she is thought to prey on newborns and expectant mothers.
- This demon has several origins although the earliest mention of her name can be found within ancient Mesopotamian folklore.
- Lilith can be considered the demonic manifestation of female disorder / rebellion that flies in the face of predominantly male authority. Several religious depictions of her undeniably make several allusions to this.
- In this regard, her manifestation is perceived as having heralded feminism and the subsequent quest by women to achieve equality.
- This demon is predominantly a sex goddess and has even been termed a succubus in other texts. In this regard, summoning her may necessitate repayments that are not readily available on the part of the conjuror.
- This demon is unlike the Goetic Demons and is thought to be especially malevolent. This is evidenced by her history of devouring newborns. In this regard, inexperienced conjurors are advised to steer clear of this demon.
- It is necessary to acknowledge the independent will of Lilith as an immortal entity. This implies superiority to mortal human beings and a need for respect at all levels. Once again, the importance of experience on the part of the conjuror cannot be downplayed.
Important Days for Lilith:
- February 1 (Imbolc – Northern Hemisphere)
- February 16 (Lilith the Elder);
- July 21 and August 1 (Lughnasadh – Northern Hemisphere) (Lilith the Younger)
Read More
Lilith: A female DEMON of the night and SUCCUBUS
Recommended Books on Lilith
In this video I read a chapter from my book Lilith Magick. I hope you enjoy it. So Mote it be!
– Author
The Magick Of Lilith: Calling Upon The Great Goddess of The Left Hand Path (Mesopotamian Magick Book 1)
101 Questions and Answers on Demon Powers – June, 1983 | This book offers additional information on this demon to supplement the stated sources. |
Rosemary Guiley – The Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology, 2009
“Lilith who has the upper body of a beautiful woman and a lower body of fire, carries the fiery resentment of the moon.” |
Mar Ling Su – Lilith: Queen of the Demons, 2015
“Before Lilith became Queen of the Demons, she was Eden’s first woman.” |
Assisting women
Morax – this demon offers women help on several issues
Marchosias – likewise, this demon offers assistance to women on various issues
Gaining favor
Belial – this demon can aid with promotions and acquisition of clout
Paimon – this demon helps with promotions as well
Volac – he helps with securing a good job
Eligor – this demon increases one’s prospects for success in business / work
Gusion – this demon can also aid with attracting favor and hence promotions at work
- https://jwa.org/encyclopedia/article/lilith
- http://infernaldialogues.blogspot.co.ke/2013/04/the-satanic-feminine-divine-part-i.html
- http://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends/lilith-ancient-demon-dark-deity-or-sex-goddess-005908
- http://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/people-cultures-in-the-bible/people-in-the-bible/lilith/
- https://blackwitchcoven.comdemonology/demons-listed-in-order-of-how-they-can-help-you/
- http://thedarknesscoven.blogspot.co.ke/2012/09/the-invocation-of-lilith-rite-of-dark.html
- http://infernaldialogues.blogspot.com/2013/04/the-satanic-feminine-divine-part-i.html