Demoness of the Night

Marchosias is a Great Marquise of Hell who rules over 30 legions of spirits. She is the 35th Spirit out of the 72 Spirits of Solomon. She was of the Angelic Order of Dominion before her fall and she hopes to return to the Seventh Throne in Heaven after 1200 years.

Although some ancient texts describe this spirit as male, most people who summoned her said she appeared as a female.


“Marchosias – A powerful Great Marquis of Hell, commanding thirty legions of demons.

He is a strong and excellent fighter and very reliable to the conjurer, giving true answers to all questions. Marchosias hoped after one thousand and two hundred years to return to heaven with the non-fallen angels, but he is deceived in that hope.

He is depicted as a wolf, a she-wolf, or an ox, that under request changes shape into a man. The name Marchosias comes from Late Latin ‘marchio’, marquis. Other spellings: Marchocias.” 

– Source: Wikipedia



Direction: South

Zodiac: Pisces

Dates: March 1st- March 10th (Night Time)

Element: Fire


Planet: Moon

Metal: Silver

Color: Violet

Incense: Jasmine

Plant: Pennyroyal

Demonic Enn: “Es na ayer Marchosias Secore”

Other names: Marchosias


This demoness appears in the form of a cruel she-wolf with a serpent’s tail and griffin wings. She spews fire out of her mouth and when commanded by the exorcist she changes into a human form. She is a strong fighter.

To High Priestess Maxine, this demoness appeared as a teenage girl. She had long blonde hair and black wings. She was friendly and talkative.

In his male form, this demon appears as a king with a body and raiment that is composed of cinders and swirling smoke. On his head lies a crown of fire, and with hot coals on the spot where his eyes should be. On his hips is belted a sword of hot ash and he wields a scepter of flames.

Grimories where Marchosias was mentioned:

  • Book of Incantations
  • Book of Spirits,
  • The Lesser Key of Solomon,
  • The Discoverie of Witchcraft
  • The Pseudomonarchia Daemonum


  • She is a warrior who serves the magician faithfully and provides true answers to all the questions asked.
  • She assists the witch in confronting her enemies and winning every argument.
  • She teaches the witch astral shapeshifting as well as different combat techniques.
  • She gives the witch inner and outer strength.
  • She guides her followers on how to effectively use their innate power to help themselves.
  • Marchosias is a demoness to call upon whenever you are feeling discouraged. She would always be available to motivate you.
  • She is a master of conflicts and among her kind, she is one of the most highly skilled warriors.
  • Marchosias displays a high degree of physical and strategic knowledge.
  • She believes in being focused and disciplined so she helps individuals to overcome chronic addictions.
  • She gives the witch the power to charm her foes and ability to assume a gaseous form.
  • She imparts the skill of assassination too.

More About Marchosias:

She hails from a family of Demonic Nobility in the Solar Realm. Her family is large and her father has many wives. She has a distant relative who is Hellborn. Due to her origin, she is a fierce warrior and when she goes to war, she brings her enemies to ruin.

Although, she is just about 600 000 years of age she has fought hard and won many battles. She earned the rank of a commander and she is always committed to discipline and motivation.

Marchosias is strongest in Mid-September so you can summon her using red candles, copper and her favorite plant is Pennyroyal. Her seal is also important and should be made and worn as a Lamen.

While working with this spirit, the summoner is expected to approach her with utmost respect and caution. She is a cool and friendly demoness but guess what? She can become aggressive especially when she feels you are wasting her time unnecessarily. While dealing with her, ensure to be direct with your request and questions and don’t fail to dismiss her spirit as soon as the consultation is over.


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  • https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Marchosias
  • https://www. grimoire. org/demon/marchosias/
  • https:// demonsanddemonolatry.  com/demoness-of-the-night-marquess-marchosias-night-demon/
  • http://www. angelfire. com/empire/serpentis666/DEMONVI.html


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