
  • The 54th Spirit of The Ars Goetia

Other Names: Mormo,  Murmas, Mermo, Lamia, Murmus, Murmux, Matthias (Angel),  Mormolyttomai

Direction: North

Dates: December 17th-21st, Sept 12-22

Zodiac Position: 25-29 degrees of Sagittarius

Element: Fire, water

D/N: Nocturnal

Rank: Count; Duke; Earl

Mother: Hecate

Siblings: Scylla; Medea

Tarot: 10 of Rods; 10 of Disks/Pentacles

Planet: Sun, Venus, Mars

Plant: Parsley

Incense: Sandalwood

Color: Dark Blue; Green

Metal: Gold, Iron, Copper

Gematria: 286, 350, 846, 910

Other Attributed Items: Rue, Balm of Gilead, Oak Bark, Rosemary.

Demonic Enn: Vefa mena Murmur ayer


According to the ancient texts, it is said that Demon Murmur appears as a Warrior riding on a Vulture or a Gryphon and on his head lies a Ducal Crown. His appearance is preceded by two of his ministers going before him with a loud sound of trumpets.


  • Murmur is a great demon for necromancy as he has the ability to raise up dead souls and compel them to speak and answer all the questions of the summoner.
  • He is a Master in Philosophy and teaches his disciples to understand the subject perfectly.
  • This demon when commanded can send infernal spirits to haunt the enemies of the summoner.
  • Murmur assists the witch in divination by blessing her with the spirit of insight and intuition.
  • He teaches the witch how to shapeshift into a ghoul.
  • This demon rules over the dead, music, sciomancy and vampirism.
  • Murmur assists in the performance of exorcisms.
  • He imparts the witch with the gift of restraint, improves her communication with spirits and strengthens her astral body.

More About Demon Murmur:

He is regarded as the son of Hecate. He was born human and was executed but after his execution, he arose as Ascended Master in death. Murmur is a demon and daimon who can’t be regarded as a ghost or as undead. This demon is said to be old and his social skills need to be improved.

This demon is most often referred to as a ghoul who loves blood and when offered offerings, he responds violently. According to Conolly, Murmur is one of the aggressive and intimidating demons mentioned in the Ars Goetia.

Working with Demon Murmur:

As stated above, this demon can be very fierce so anyone who intends to work with him must take all the necessary precautions. The following are some of the things to put in place before summoning Demon Murmur.

  • According to his planetary association, Fridays and Tuesdays are good days to carry out his ritual. But you can perform this ritual on a dark moon night preferably on a Saturday since Saturdays are good for works on Necromancy. Halloween nights are also good for this ritual.
  • His planetary association includes; Venus (primary) and Mars (secondary).
  • Choose a suitable location and set up all the necessary items.
  • Engrave his seal on a Copper plate.
  • His colors are green and dark blue so you can use dark blue candles for the ritual.
  • To utilize the power in this spellcraft, you can create a necromantic lamp with his sigil inscribed on it.
  • Draw your magical circle and consecrate it properly.
  • You will need a ring (usually for protection), a pentagram, a secret seal, your wand and a hexagram.
  • On your altar, draw the triangle of manifestation and place the lamp with his sigil at the center.
  • Myrrh, Sandalwood, Mastic or Aloe’s incense should be used.

When you have set up everything you can call out to this demon using his magical chant. You can also call upon him to bring the soul of any dead person into manifestation. After the appearance and consultation, don’t forget to give offerings to Murmur.

When everything is done, you can dismiss the spirit and close every spiritual channel you might have opened during the process.

What is it like to begin your journey with Murmur?

David, a friend of the Coven, explains his experience (edited for privacy):

 I started my work with murmur today . I wanted to share a short note on my experience with him.

During invocation I became extermly hot . I was shown  a door and I was giving a choice to go  throight it or to remain . Of course I flew right through it . I was in the sky feeling the winds kiss my face. I heard my many voice a low whisper in the winds murmur . He took me into a cemetery . Had me touch the ground . I felt the roots of plants and tress but something deeper was there the  dead . I pulled them even close to me .

He is going help me more with the art of necromancy and teach me how to control the shades . It’s a darker gift but I will be contecting at times to things that are so nice under his protection .

We made agreement . I agree but can’t remember everything at the moment do to a deep trace to where I fell into a deep sleep . He covered me  with darkness and left me with a deep feeling of calmness .

I truly enjoy the whispers and the sound of his voice even know it’s low I could hear him .

I gave him a offering of sandalwood , a blue candle with my blood on it . 


More Articles:

Murmur: Occult Tarot Message

Murmur: The Philosopher

Other demons related to Necromancy

  • Ansoryor
  •  Lewteffar
  • Annobath
  • Noocar
  • Sagatana

Disclaimer: This article is solely aimed at passing information so if for any reason you decide to summon any demon, then you would be responsible for the blessings and curses (if any) that might come from such an encounter. When it comes to demons’ consultation, to avoid making fatal mistakes you should always seek assistance from professional practitioners.

For a thorough description of how to successfully summon a demon, click here.


  • https://v kjehannum. wordpress. com/2017/04/12/mormo-or-murmur-goetia-54/
  • http://the-demonic-