The Ouija is a flat board marked with numbers 0-9, alphabets, the words “yes”, “no”, and sometimes “hello” and goodbye”. This board also has symbols and graphics. Its major tool is a small heart-shaped piece of plastic or wood called a planchette. The planchette is often moved across the board to spell out words.Ouija board

The Ouija board is also referred to as a talking or spirit board as it creates a connection between the players and spirits. This game is one of the most feared that shouldn’t be joked with to avoid dire consequences.

Before using the Ouija board, the individual is expected to read and understand the compulsory rules that must be followed while handling this object. Also, the user must be very bold and strong enough to handle whatever he might encounter while using this board.

Standard Rules for Using the Ouija Board

The following are some of the rules that should be followed to enhance a wonderful experience and ensure safety while using the Ouija board.

  1. Choose a dark and quiet location. You can use a candlelight in order to see what the planchette may be spelling.
  2. Never taunt a spirit to talk to you through the Ouija board because such act can be very disastrous.
  3. There are three questions you shouldn’t ask your Ouija. Don’t ask the board about God, when you will die, nor where to find the hidden gold.
  4. Do not believe everything that a spirit says through the Ouija board because most spirits love to tell lies. Sometimes, these spirits could claim to be related to you just to gain your trust and if you let down your guards, those malevolent spirits would attack.
  5. Do not use the board alone. A minimum of two and maximum of 8 players are recommended. Also, more users would increase the energy needed to connect with the spirit.
  6. Never use an Ouija board in your home because the energy produced by a malevolent spirit might become resident in the home.
  7. Get a leader who would be responsible for asking questions while the other members focus on the planchette.
  8. Unnecessary questions, jokes, comments and laughter must be avoided.
  9. One member should be responsible for taking records and keeping track of the answers.
  10. Never leave the planchette on the board as such is considered as a sign of bad luck.
  11. If you intend to take a break during the session, let other members keep their hand on the planchette so as to stay connected to the energy.
  12. Never end your session without saying goodbye and dismissing the spirit.
  13. Whenever you perceive danger during a session, quickly say goodbye and dismiss the spirit.
  14. If you ever come in contact with a spirit named “Zozo”, quickly end the session and say goodbye.
  15. Never use an Ouija board in a cemetery.
  16. Never use the Ouija board when you are drunk, sick or feeling depressed.
  17. Never burn an Ouija board. You can either keep it locked in a closet or break it into 7 pieces, pour holy water on it before burying it.
  18. Never force anyone to use the Ouija board.
  19. Avoid any form of addiction to this board otherwise, you might get possessed by the spirits.
  20. If the planchette gets to move to the four corners of the board, that is a sign that means you have contacted an evil spirit.

Finally, there are some preparations that should be carried out before an Ouija session. While there are those who purify the environment by burning incense, others invoke angels and other guardian saints. When you perceive the entrance of an entity, ensure to ask questions such as: “Who are you?”, “How old are you?”, “What message do you have for us?”, etc.  The answers to those questions would guide you while connecting with the spirit. Also, if you perceive the entity to be an evil spirit, quickly say goodbye and force the spirit to leave.


  • For those of you who are new to this, make sure the board is on a completely level surface.
  • It is important to enter into a trance when using a ouija board.
  • Place your fingertips lightly on each side of the planchette. Soon it will gently begin to pull. Just relax and let it work.
  • It can take a few minutes to get going, sometimes much longer.
  • It is important to be free from distractions and not to be disturbed.

Franz Bardon suggested these are methods to use a Ouija Board:

  • The automatic method – In this case, the planchette moves automatically, without the operator knowing what the spirit concerned is going to say. Messages in foreign languages will also be received, even in languages the operator does not know and has never heard before.
  • The inspirational method – this is the most common: here the messages will be given in a sort of thinking aloud inside or outside one‟s mind. In this case, one practically knows beforehand what the spirit is about to write. By frequent repetition this inspiration will become a loud thinking and listening in the passive communication. One will perceive messages from the one‟s mind or from outside of the self. This is sort of like dictation- the words come into your head and then your hands move the planchette.
  • The intuitive method – where you have the feeling as if you moved the planchette yourself. Any questions will be answered instantly. This is a kind of clair-knowledge. The planchette spells out words and sentences in full consciousness, without the operator hearing anything or being inspired in any way.

The methods also can appear in a mixed kind, for example half automatic and half inspirational or intuitive and inspirational or all together. Which of the methods will be the dominant one will only be known after a long period of exercising. Each of the methods is good and reliable, provided you are using it honestly and candidly. Practice makes perfect!*

Ouija Boards for Demon Connection

Connecting with demons through the Ouija is both difficult and dangerous. You should feel extremely confident in conducting a session, and in how to end a session if it was to “go wrong”. The challenge for more experienced occultists is the interference of “trickster” spirits.

If you are confident, and you know the energy of the demon you desire to call, it is best to have a list of questions that you are ready to ask before you begin. Set the environment with the appropriate incense for that demon. Get into a trace, or call to the demon using the ENN or with the sigil.

Use a video or camera to record the session, as you will most probably work solo and you will be focused on conducting the session and holding the energy.


Positive User Experiences

My experience is I sort of go into a trance. Like when scrying or invoking spirits of the deceased, everything else in the room is blocked out. My total focus is on the board. It is sort of like an aura around all of the edges of the board and my attention is completely locked in and nothing else outside of me, exists. This is just my own experience, we are all individuals, so some of yours may be different.


When we have very close contact or invoke Demons, we can feel their energy. My skin still feels sensitized, like when I have a fever or sunburn, only no pain, even this morning. Their energy is electrifying. Father‟s energy is different, as I‟m sure many of you have experiencd during and after rituals. Calming and beautiful.

Negative Ouija board experiences

The “Danny and the Ouija Board” Case

Details: One of the more chilling stories involves a young man named Danny, who reportedly used a Ouija board with friends. The board allegedly communicated messages about impending tragedies. Danny began to exhibit severe psychological symptoms, including paranoia and erratic behavior. He eventually experienced a mental breakdown, which he and others attributed to the Ouija board session.

Impact: This case is often cited in discussions about the potential psychological impact of using a Ouija board. While the exact details and outcomes are not well-documented, it highlights concerns about the emotional and psychological effects of such practices.

The “Carolyn” Incident

Details: Another story involves a woman named Carolyn who reportedly experienced severe and frightening symptoms after using a Ouija board. According to the tale, Carolyn became increasingly disturbed and believed she was being haunted by malevolent entities. Her symptoms included insomnia, hallucinations, and intense fear.

Impact: The story is often shared as a cautionary tale about the potential psychological effects of Ouija board use. As with other similar stories, it is anecdotal and lacks empirical evidence.

Common questions about Ouija board use

Can you die while using a Ouija board?

While there are stories and claims about deaths associated with Ouija boards, these are largely anecdotal and not supported by scientific evidence. Most reported cases of harm are due to psychological distress rather than direct physical causes. So specifically, you’re not going to die using the Ouija board, but if you’re easily stressed, you could have a stress related medical issue which can cause death.

Can spirits cause your house to catch on fire when you’re using the Ouija board?

There are tales of individuals who used a Ouija board and subsequently experienced catastrophic events, such as house fires or severe accidents. One specific story involves a group of friends who used a Ouija board and later reported a series of unfortunate events, culminating in a house fire that they attributed to the board. Again, these stories are anecdotal and often lack concrete evidence.

Do Ouija boards cause poltergeist activity in your house?

A commonly shared story involves a family that experienced increased poltergeist activity after using a Ouija board. The family reported objects moving on their own, strange noises, and unexplainable occurrences in their home. They attributed these disturbances to the Ouija board session, leading to intense fear and anxiety. This type of story underscores the fear that Ouija boards might attract malevolent spirits

Do the spirits of the Ouija board influence some people to kill them self?

In another disturbing story, a group of teenagers allegedly used a Ouija board during a sleepover. They began to receive ominous messages that seemed to predict tragic events. One of the participants reportedly took these messages very seriously and ended up committing suicide shortly after the session. This story is often used to illustrate the potential for serious emotional distress, though it’s important to note that such incidents can be influenced by many factors beyond the Ouija board experience itself.


  • * Initiation Into Hermetics by Franz Bardon © 1956

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