In demonology, Andromalius is the Mighty, Great Count and Baron of Hell, who is in charge of thirty-six legions of demons. He is the seventy-second spirit mentioned in the Lesser Key of Solomon and he is referred to as the Demon of the Night.

He is an observer who watches and spies on the enemy and he reports directly to Satan, Andras or Azazel.


Rank: Count (Earl)

Direction:  South

Tarot: 10 of Cups*

Zodiac: 25-29 degrees of Pisces

Metal: Iron (Copper or Silver)

Element:  Fire

Planet: Mars

Color:  Red, Indigo

Plant: Wormwood, Absinthe

Animal: Pigeon

Incense: Dragon’s Blood

+night demon


Andromalius is a powerful demon who appears in the form of a man holding a large snake in his hand. The Greeks regarded snakes as sacred and used them in healing rituals to honor Asclepius, as snake venom was thought to be remedial and their skin-shedding was viewed as a symbol of rebirth and renewal.

It is no secret that our Demons have many names. In Ancient Greece, Asclepius was a hero and a God of medicine, healing, and doctors. His symbol is a staff is called the Caduceus wand. Asclepius became so powerful, that he was able to heal all humans, including those that were dying, and he could even bring them back to life after death.

Andromalius is depicted holding TWO Caduceus wands, symbolizing his senior position and superior ability.


The “Demonic Enns” of Andromalius:

Tasa fubin andromalius on ca.

Attributes of Andromalius:

  • Andromalius influences people to steal but at the same time, he punishes them for stealing.
  • He enjoys making sinners suffer then he manipulates them into committing suicide.
  • He uncovers hidden treasures, all evil plans and punishes the dishonest.
  • He retrieves lost and stolen items.


  • Web: The Goetia – the Lesser Key of Solomon (from
  • Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon: The Initiated Interpretation of Ceremonial Magic
  • The Complete Book of Demonolatry S. Connolly –

Popular Descriptions:

“Andromalius – A mighty Great Earl of Hell, having thirty-six legions of demons at his service.  He can bring back both a thief and the stolen goods, punishes all thieves and other wicked people, and discovers hidden treasures, all evilness, and all dishonest dealing.  Andromalius is depicted as a man holding a big serpent in his hand.”  – Source: Wikipedia

“Andromalius – The Seventy-second Spirit in Order is named Andromalius. He is an Earl, Great and Mighty, appearing in the Form of a Man holding a Great Serpent in his Hand. His Office is to bring back both a Thief, and the Goods which be stolen; and to discover all wickedness, and Underhand Dealing; and to punish all Thieves and other Wicked People and also to discover Treasures that be Hid. He ruleth over 36 Legions of Spirits. His Seal is this, the which wear thou as aforesaid, etc.”   Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon


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