Lucifer gives us the knowledge to become independent and free. He directs us to be masters of our own lives and destinies. Lucifer and his Demons are always there to help us when there are things we cannot yet handle.

The sigil of Lucifer
The sigil of Lucifer


ENN: Renich Tasa Uberaca Biasa Icar Lucifer

Direction: East. Set up your altar to him in this direction when spell casting or during ritual

Incense, Herbs, Oils:  Sandalwood, Frankincense, Myrrh

Metal: Gold

Element: Air

Colours: Black, Blue, Teal, White, Yellow, Gold, Silver

Status or Rank: Dark Lord, High Prince

Crystals/Stones: Quartz, Black tourmaline, Herkimer Diamond

Day of Week: MONDAY. 


Lucifer is the most powerful demon in hell and is considered the embodiment of evil within the Christian religion [6]. In this regard, he is considered the archenemy of everything benign and is referred to extensively within the bible. More specifically, he is considered the direct nemesis of the creator. In his glorious state, he was referred to as the “morning star” and rightly so as he had a sheen around him [1,6]. In fact, his name – Lucifer – translates to the bringer of dawn, light bearer or shining one [5]. These definitions all bear similarities to the planet Venus which is commonly referred as such.

The name Lucifer only came to imply evil after the advent of Christianity and the acceptance of him as the leader of evil forces [4, 6]. Consequently, he has been mentioned within Dante Alighieri’s Inferno as well as John Milton’s Paradise Lost [4]. The Jewish Vulgate also mentions him and the direct translation is derived from the words stella matutina [1].

He has several aliases borne out of his propensity to the darkness such as: the antichrist, king / lord of the darkness, prince of evil, the evil one, lord of temptation, archnemesis, archenemy, et cetera. In fact, with the passage of time, the name Lucifer has grown synonymous with the devil or Satan despite its complex origins.

Prior to his demotion from his rank as an archangel, he was one of the more revered angels (seraphim) in heaven according to Christians [6]. His act of rebellion came about because he sought to establish a separate order from the existent one and in so doing upset the status quo [6]. He had been bestowed with the ability to make music coupled with very fair looks prior to his fall from grace according to biblical accounts. He was cast from heaven after being defeated by Angel Michael and his army of holier angels.

It is noteworthy that there are other mentions of people in the bible which are akin to outright comparisons with Lucifer. For instance, Nebuchadnezzar II who conquered Jerusalem while ruling over Babylon was referred to as the “Morning Star” by the biblical prophet Isaiah in a prophetic vision [6]. The particular translation in this regard is Helel ben Shahar [6]. Other texts however suggest that it was actually his son Belshazzar whose reign over Jerusalem as a regent was overthrown whereupon Hebrews were freed.

Other texts suggest Helel was the lesser god trying to overthrow the Canaanite god El but proved unsuccessful [6]. Other accounts hail from ancient East Semitic texts suggesting he is actually Ishtar / Inanna who are tied with Venus – the actual morning star. Ancient Greek accounts also tell of Phaethon who underwent a similar fate whilst Babylonian texts talk of the lesser god Zu [6]. From the foregoing paragraphs, it is conceivable that the history of Lucifer is quite convoluted. The Jewish pseudepigrapha highlights the fall of Adam and Eve as they attempted to become all-knowing akin to the creator. Their fall from grace also bears similarities to the fate suffered by Lucifer and this fact has not been lost on biblical researchers.

It is commonly thought that he was cast out of heaven after rebelling against the status quo within Christian circles. He was accompanied by other fallen angels such as the 72 Goetic demons that were summoned and bound by King Solomon [5]. It is also thought within the Christian religion that his primary objective is to tempt human beings into committing sins (contraventions of biblical requirements) which would see their souls cast to hell after judgment whereupon they will dwell in eternal fire and damnation forever.

The most important point to take into consideration is that the name Lucifer was not originally meant to bear any connotations of evil. In fact, the literal meaning of the word – light bearer – has been used in reference to several pious individuals (including Jesus himself) as well as religious texts. More specifically, the morning hymn Lucis largitor splendide by Hilary bears the line “…Tu verus mundi Lucifer…” [6]. This translates to “you are the true light bringer of the world” [6]. Another hymn by Ambrose – Aeterne rerum conditor – mentions Lucifer lucem proferens [6]. These go to show the evolution of the name with the passage of time.

Hans Wilhelm explains this concept in the video below:

How could Lucifer help you?

Books will tell you:

  • He can be summoned by witches riding on brooms into the Sabbath so as to let them ride atop his shoulders [6].
  • He can be invoked to summon any other lesser demon which the conjuror wishes to evoke such as the Goetic demons.
  • He is very powerful and could presumably be evoked to achieve a wide array of tasks although it is very risky for inexperienced conjurors.

We will tell you that perhaps the above is true, however, we found Lucifer is more of a supreme being and can offer you wisdom and guidance.

What does Lucifer look like?

Nearly all of us who know him agree concerning his appearance. Enemy so-called “religions” have for far too long, written the book on how they believe him to appear, how they believe Demons to look and these are nothing but blasphemous lies.

He is not red with horns and a tail, nor does he look like a Halloween monster. He does not have flaming red eyes or rubbery wings. These depictions are intended to insult, denigrate, and blaspheme him.

Contrary to Satanism being labelled as “darkness,” Satan appears wearing a long white robe identical to what he is shown wearing in the images below. He is the Top Leader of the Nordic Gods of the Empire of Orion. Many of us see him often and have a very close relationship with him. He is beautiful. His appearance is almost exactly as in the pictures, other than he rarely appears with wings.

The appearance of Satan by JOS


Satans Sigil
  • His Day is Monday.
  • His Colors are Blue, Red, and Black
  • He is the Sumerian God EA, also known as ENKI which means “Lord of the Earth.” He is also known as Melek Ta’us.
  • Animals that are sacred to him are the Peacock, the Serpent, the Goat, the Dragon and the Raven.
  • His numbers are 13, 666 and 4. [666 is perfection and everlasting life]
  • His Zodiac Signs are Aquarius, the Water Bearer and Capricorn, the Goat. [The Age of Aquarius is the Age for the advancement of humanity]
  • His Planets are Uranus and Venus [the Morning Star].
  • His Directions are both South and East
  • His most Important Day of the year is December 23, when the Sun is one degree into Capricorn. The day following the beginning of the Winter Solstice is his Personal Day, which should be observed by every dedicated Satanist.

Source – Jos


Possible Reasons for Difficulty Connecting with Lucifer

  1. Lucifer’s Nature and Energetic Frequency Lucifer, as an entity, is often considered to embody qualities like wisdom, enlightenment, independence, and transformation, and his energy may be more subtle or harder to access compared to other spirits. While some spirits may feel more immediate or “grounded,” Lucifer’s influence can be more nuanced, requiring patience, self-reflection, and alignment with one’s own inner truths. His energy might be more ethereal or higher frequency, which could be why it feels more challenging to connect with.

  2. Personal Beliefs and Preconceived Notions Sometimes, a person’s preconceived notions or beliefs about Lucifer can create a block in the connection. If you have any fear, doubt, or cultural conditioning related to Lucifer (such as associations with evil or guilt), these thoughts can interfere with your ability to connect with him. It’s important to approach Lucifer with an open, neutral mindset and see him not as “good” or “evil” but as a being with vast wisdom, complexity, and energy that can be transformative if approached with respect.

  3. Lack of Clarity in Intentions Lucifer often works with individuals who are seeking personal power, self-awareness, and enlightenment. If you’re unsure of your intention or haven’t fully clarified what you’re seeking from him, this can create difficulty in establishing a connection. Lucifer is a teacher of inner strength and transformation, so he might require a deeper level of personal clarity, self-assurance, and a willingness to challenge your current limitations or beliefs.

  4. Patience and Timing Lucifer may choose not to communicate immediately or in the way you’re expecting. Sometimes, entities, especially those who are seen as higher or more powerful, will only make themselves known when they deem the time is right. This could be due to your spiritual development, or perhaps you need to reach a certain level of readiness before you can fully connect with him. Trusting in divine timing and showing patience can be important in these types of relationships.

  5. Energetic Blockages or Protection Mechanisms Your own psychic abilities might have some blockages or walls that are hindering you from accessing the energy of certain spirits. This could be due to emotional blockages, mental distractions, or even psychic protection mechanisms that your subconscious has put in place (either for your own protection or as a result of past experiences). Sometimes, the mind and spirit need to clear these blockages before full connection can occur.


Lucifer is the most powerful demon in hell and is considered the embodiment of evil within the Christian religion [6]. In this regard, he is considered the archenemy of everything benign and is referred to extensively within the bible. More specifically, he is considered the direct nemesis of the creator. In his glorious state, he was referred to as the “morning star” and rightly so as he had a sheen around him [1,6]. In fact, his name – Lucifer – translates to the bringer of dawn, light bearer or shining one [5]. These definitions all bear similarities to the planet Venus which is commonly referred as such.

The name Lucifer only came to imply evil after the advent of Christianity and the acceptance of him as the leader of evil forces [4, 6]. Consequently, he has been mentioned within Dante Alighieri’s Inferno as well as John Milton’s Paradise Lost [4]. The Jewish Vulgate also mentions him and the direct translation is derived from the words stella matutina [1].

He has several aliases borne out of his propensity to the darkness such as: the antichrist, king / lord of the darkness, prince of evil, the evil one, lord of temptation, archnemesis, archenemy, et cetera. In fact, with the passage of time, the name Lucifer has grown synonymous with the devil or Satan despite its complex origins.

Prior to his demotion from his rank as an archangel, he was one of the more revered angels (seraphim) in heaven according to Christians [6]. His act of rebellion came about because he sought to establish a separate order from the existent one and in so doing upset the status quo [6]. He had been bestowed with the ability to make music coupled with very fair looks prior to his fall from grace according to biblical accounts. He was cast from heaven after being defeated by Angel Michael and his army of holier angels.

It is noteworthy that there are other mentions of people in the bible which are akin to outright comparisons with Lucifer. For instance, Nebuchadnezzar II who conquered Jerusalem while ruling over Babylon was referred to as the “Morning Star” by the biblical prophet Isaiah in a prophetic vision [6]. The particular translation in this regard is Helel ben Shahar [6]. Other texts however suggest that it was actually his son Belshazzar whose reign over Jerusalem as a regent was overthrown whereupon Hebrews were freed.

Other texts suggest Helel was the lesser god trying to overthrow the Canaanite god El but proved unsuccessful [6]. Other accounts hail from ancient East Semitic texts suggesting he is actually Ishtar / Inanna who are tied with Venus – the actual morning star. Ancient Greek accounts also tell of Phaethon who underwent a similar fate whilst Babylonian texts talk of the lesser god Zu [6]. From the foregoing paragraphs, it is conceivable that the history of Lucifer is quite convoluted. The Jewish pseudepigrapha highlights the fall of Adam and Eve as they attempted to become all-knowing akin to the creator. Their fall from grace also bears similarities to the fate suffered by Lucifer and this fact has not been lost on biblical researchers.

It is commonly thought that he was cast out of heaven after rebelling against the status quo within Christian circles. He was accompanied by other fallen angels such as the 72 Goetic demons that were summoned and bound by King Solomon [5]. It is also thought within the Christian religion that his primary objective is to tempt human beings into committing sins (contraventions of biblical requirements) which would see their souls cast to hell after judgment whereupon they will dwell in eternal fire and damnation forever.

The most important point to take into consideration is that the name Lucifer was not originally meant to bear any connotations of evil. In fact, the literal meaning of the word – light bearer – has been used in reference to several pious individuals (including Jesus himself) as well as religious texts. More specifically, the morning hymn Lucis largitor splendide by Hilary bears the line “…Tu verus mundi Lucifer…” [6]. This translates to “you are the true light bringer of the world” [6]. Another hymn by Ambrose – Aeterne rerum conditor – mentions Lucifer lucem proferens [6]. These go to show the evolution of the name with the passage of time.

Hans Wilhelm explains this concept in the video below:


The Goetia offers greater detail than most grimoires as to the exact hierarchal structure of the demons, especially Aleister Crowley’s second edition. The 72 demons of the goetia are first divided into two categories: day demons and night demons.

This division has little to do directly with the demonic chain of command, but is more a point of reference for the powers, abilities, and restrictions of each demon, as do the astrological associations given in Crowley’s second edition.

The Goetic hierarchy is headed by Lucifer, who is never spoken of directly in the text, but whose indisputable reign is alluded to by the mention of the allegiance of various entities listed. Lucifer seems to be immediately followed on the chain of command by the nine Goetic Kings, Bael, Paimon, Beleth, Purson, Asmoday, Vine (who is also an Earl), Balam, Zargan (who is also a President), and Belial. The hierarchy continues to descend with the Marquis, Dukes, Prelacies, Knights, Presidents, and Earls.

Dictionnaire Infernal
According to some magicians, Lucifer rules over the East and commands the Europeans and the Asians. He is often referred to as the king of hell, and is superior to Satan according to some demonologists. He was evoked on Monday in the middle of a circle which contained his name and remained content when a mouse or venison-bit was offered to him. One says he is facetious, and that he often pulls witches off brooms on their journey to the Sabbath and gives them a ride on his shoulders. The witches of Moira in Sweden attested this in 1672. They also describe Lucifer as gray with blue arms and red culottes decorated with ribbons. Lucifer has the face of a beautiful young child, which changes to monstrous and inflamed when he is angry. According to some demonologists, he is a lover of justice in hell. He is also the first to be invoked in litanies of the Sabbath.

Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage
“Lucifer: From Latin, Lux, Light, and Fero, to bear, – A Light Bearer. There is a name ‘Lucifuge’ also employed occasionally, from Lux, Light, and Fugio, to fly from, – He who shuns the Light.”


–       There can be no demon likened to Lucifer as he holds dominion over them all. The closest would have to be other three crowned kings of hell: Astaroth, Azazel, and Beelzebub [4].

– Some will say Lucifer is Ra, (the number of the sun is 666 itself)

Gustave Doré/Public Domain
Gustave Doré/Public Domain

Thoughts on Lucifer from others:

Lucifer Is Satan

This is an answer to a question in the egroups:

In the East Sanat [anagram of Satan] is called Shurka, the name of Venus. He came from Venus to liberate the earth with his allies of 144,000 souls. This is the kundalini serpent that transforms the material elements of the being the earth to the gold of spirit. And opens the 144,000 nadis. Venus is shown as a hermaphrodite for this reason the serpent and the united soul. This is the spiritual sun, the eight pointed star of Venus connects to the solar plexus and shows the map of the whole soul.

The Satanic Templar’s head they worshiped was Venus, the Baphoment as we see gets the symbol of Venus the pentagram. The symbol of the union. The male is the pentacle turning it upside down makes the union of male and female the spirit and body. This pentagram was put in the circle the symbol of the perfected soul with the number 666 the sun. By the ancients.

Osiris, Ptah are the same God in Egypt and Osiris was called Lucifer as well. This is Satan. there is this bizarre misinfo around that Satan and Lucifer are different. This is false they are the same being. You can see it Satan is literally called Lucifer in the east and west as mentioned in the ancient Pagan tradition.

JOS – Admin


I always preferred to call him Lucifer when speaking about him casually, and Satan when speaking of him formally. Our morning star.

Kelly – JOS




Today I asked “who has a message for me…..” and it is the big guy himself … Lucifer. Hail Lucifer! Thankyou for all you have done for me and my path. The message I received was to give sympathy for those who consider them-self my enemy. The “light bringer” can now open the minds of people blinded by false scriptures. Slowly and with sympathy for these “haters” …. things will change! 


It was the deepest meditative state Ive reached, my soul was completely separate from my body. I met with Lucifer and he guided me through time, space and then I fell into different dimensions. There was a point where I felt the presence of spirits cirlcig around my body to take me away but I used Aegishjalmur to fend them off, pretty easily. I then found myself struggling to find my body, my eyes were constantly squinting but I couldn’t pen then because my soul had not returned. I then asked Lucifer for gift, a small part of his power. He gave me a task where he told me too look through my eye, I saw many eyes (still squinting) until I reached a sphinx and got this eye symbol, which I found out to be a dimensional gateway to the magick realms.

– WWD Student

56 thoughts on “Lucifer

  1. Jessie S. says:

    Lucifer and Satan are two totally different individual entities!! Lucifer is only “Stan” by all those who are still blind and asleep and are sheep amongst society…..Satan is NOT Lucifer and Lucifer is NOT Satan…Satan IS Satan individually and so is Lucifer!! ….You need to disregard MOST of what books say…..GET TO KNOW THE ENTITY and follow spirit not what society and what most books say…..find out the truth for yourself with them and you will see what I am saying…xx

    • JEHOVANI369 says:

      Yes both fell from jehovani however. Lucifer kryst returned. my boy is now a real ascended master was locked at 10 strands now at 48. Satain had me raped because i told my son the truth and i caught my boy meaning i harvested his soul after we fought the 3 beings taking all the kids. my sons android blew up from damage. he is now 4. I love my son and if this doesnt prove it idk what will. You have 25 years and then he takes his seat. Get your houses in order. Satain is lying he lied to my boy and got my boy to turn his back on love. He has a new body, Ascended Master Saint Germain who he really is who he was before the fall. Alot you all dont know alot of lies and bs going around.

  2. damurantheis1962 says:

    Good early morning…:-)
    12 years ago I dabbled in the occult and scrye with a black candle. I was 50,000.00 in debt on Un-employment, without a job and alone. While crating my own ritual w/o no occult experience my face in the mirroe changed and said..I will not forsake you…you will meet a women and her name will start with a G and I will be with her to guide you on the road to me …2 weeks later I met my wife Geneva and my whole life changed…I did it again same thing happend in the mirror and said I will manifest myself to Geneva it will be done for you have kept my pact and honored me…also you will meet a Man and his beast soon…confide in him…I knew nothing barely of the occult then or anything…My wife woke me up screaming one night she was standing and looking in our big dresser mirror and said…He is in there…I said who…she said the one that is with you…she had NO ideal what I ever did in the past…I was afraid to tell her!!!She understands now…Then I was walking our dog in a dog park 2 months after that and meet a man not using his name here as he was a lawyer…walking his dog and his dog got loose and I caught him for him and started talking…He settled my 50,000.00 debt to the IRS for me for almost nothing…I have been with him since and he has been with me…but strange he has never told me his name thru his manifestations???I have been trying in my path to seek his name…by his actions…I believe it is Belial, or Beelzubub, or Baal but not sure…she I seek which demon this is that has been with me for 12 years now or not????I know he has given me the for seeing eye for my Tarot Readings are on the mark all the time…my friends and accuaintances can attest to that…he must have a strong connection there…can you help me with this or maybe he does not want me to know….HELP…LOL

  3. wmarksamzl says:

    To all that look to get something from him he knew that before you even tried to petition him.He knows everything and is far smarter than you.You half to build a relationship with him and be genuinely want to have that relationship.Once I built that relationship with him I didn’t even half to ask my life started to change for the better. When someone would come to me for advice I would give them knowledge learned from Michael Ford’s Book Wisdom of Eosphorus.i put in work for him however when I started to achieve success and forget he will quickly or didn’t give him his time he will shake your world up.What can you offer him public praise spread his word and bring offerings into him.Dont think for one second that you are gonna tell him what to do.Be respectful and ask.This is forever for all your days on this earth

  4. Lore says:

    Lucifer has been with me since I was a little kid. Since I was little I had serious issues with fear and had constant nightmares with something in the form of the devil (a red man with horns and a tail), so all my life I struggled. When I was a teenager I was started feeling attracted to the dark arts, and read the satanic bible and so on, never knowing really what I was looking for, but I started experiencing sleep paralysis and again, got really frightened and abandon this initiative. When I was 20 years old I discovered meditation and got really interested in spirituality, and took a looot of courses on healing and so on, but I always felt scared of the spirits, and still felt like somehow it wasn for me. Two years ago, I felt the urge to start working with Lucifer and felt his presence immediately. I never wanted to ask for anything, I just felt like I have to do it. I worked on the relationship, as did Lucifer. In two years my life changed completely, I feel like I am a different person, a better one, and still willing to improve myself. I know now that he was with me my entire life because now I feel the same things as I did when I was a kid, except for the fear, because I now know that he is with me, and protects me. I encourage you to start building a relationship with this beautiful demon, because he will help you became your best self.

  5. charlie33 says:

    I tried hard to connect with Lucifer
    On the last try, I feel energized and involuntarily overwhelmed with joy, but nothing happened.
    Does he want to contact me? Do I have to try again?

  6. Lightbearer1984 says:

    He appeared next to me in the shape of a man in a trenchcoat and a brim hat. I was going into what seemed to be respiratory failure from an overdose on promethazine/hydrocodone. I had been witnessing shared apparations with my brother. He seemed to materialize from the ether and instructed me to breathe. After feeling life return to me we had a conversation for over 20 minutes in depth. He revealed many things to me. Most notably, he saved my life. I am now beginning to understand what I am.

  7. NewOne says:

    Theres questions I have about this page because its important to me.
    1. Who is “Jos”?
    2. Can I have one of those images of Lucifer on his altar to respect him more? I mean are those images really Lucifer 🙂 ?
    3. Why is it written “Satan Lucifer” on the images of Lucifer?
    4. Why there’s Satan’s Sigil on this page which belongs to Lucifer? Isnt it true that they are different and not same?

    • LCFR83 says:

      JOS is short for the ancient site Joy of Satan. As far as the picture of Lucifer on your altar, by all means do! it would most definitely give him more reverence in your temple. They are depictions based off of what people have seen when working with him. He truly is a beautiful one. The sigil that kinda resembles an inverted pentacle with a V in it, you mean? that is THE sigil of Lucifer.

  8. The Unknown One says:

    Hello everyone,

    I’m new here and i would like to ask something.

    First, let me tell you that i’ve started to believe in Lucifer a few months ago but something inside me push me to contact him. I feel lost and I feel like I need to honor Lucifer, like I need to help him reach the top of something.

    In life, nobody understand me and I feel like rejected, i think only Lucifer can accept me and understand me. I can’t stop thinking about him, i’ve even created on my wall something like its sigil. I don’t do no magick, i’ve only just do two or three spells with a candle but that is all, even if i’d be happy to do more and that is what i’m willing to do.

    How can I contact him ? I’ve got so much to tell him and to offer. What can I do ?

    Thank you and big love from Paris, in France. 🙂

  9. EasternWitch says:

    From my perspective the ancient left hand source of energy has been called by different names and given metaphorical symbols. This ancient source exists in all time old religions as a deity but just has different names. I tried to read about the occult Gods from different cultures and the similarities were striking. Later on there was a rise and spread of Abrahamic religions that shamed these ancient practices and gave negative shades to the older deities and religions to make the followers scared to wander into occult. The kundalini associated with a serpent is found in Hinduism and Buddhism along with Baphomet and Shiva. The kundalini ignites the divine awareness and i think is related to Bibles fruit of knowledge that a serpent ( Satan ) asked Adam and Eve to taste.

    • BWS says:

      Many people ask this question for various reasons. Some people want to fix past mistakes, others want to warn a loved one to take a difference cause of action to prevent their death. From what I know, turning back time (or reliving the past) is not possible.

  10. Mariah Ernest says:

    Okay, I answered my own question; first one. I don’t necessarily want anything from Lucifer, just to learn more, and have a friend. I grew up with the idealization that demons were bad, but after communicating with Bune, Caluneck, Zozo, and some others (they don’t want me to share their names with others). I’ve come to realize most don’t mean humans harm, and just want to basically co-exist. Basically, I want to know if Lucifer would be okay, with just a friendship, with myself.

    • BWS says:

      Mariah, I believe a “friendship” is the ultimate goal. Like you, I do not need anything specifically from Lucifer, other than protection and guidance. Our “demons” are there to c0-exist with us. Blessed Beast.

  11. morticiansflame says:

    Interesting article. I just don’t understand how you could possibly know which are Lucifer’s zodiac signs. May I ask where you got this information? Thanks.

  12. Roman says:

    First I see many closed minded people here. I think there’s not a right or wrong way to things as long you are safe and got your results manifested.
    I’m young but not novice I started in Santeria at 14 switched to Wicca at 16 and now I’m into Demonolatry (Where finally feel in the right way) I dedicated myself to Lucifer some time ago and I do have a bond with him, he is my Patron as referred in Demonolatry.
    And do think that Lucifer is kind and of course I try to do everything in the most respectful way I had never felt scared or in danger with Lucifer.
    Also for me Lucifer and Satan are 2 different entities . Even when you meditate with the Enn Chants. I feel completely different vibration with Lucifer’s Enn that with Satan’s enn.
    This are my personal experiences as I wrote before I can’t say what’s wrong or right. I can only speak for my experiences.

  13. Dakota Bourff says:

    Let me tell you about the real lucifer.
    First of all that image is not lucifer.
    Srcond lucifer is seperate from satan and the devil but they ate kings of hell not princes.
    Also real black magic users don’t ride brooms thats a myth started by religious people.
    Also lucifer can take any form so don’t asume he/she is a constant male.
    I only dabble in black magic but i have a decent occult knowledge.

  14. Unknown person says:

    Dear Mrs/Ms Savannah hello if you couldn’t read my comment. I basically said if you want a true relationship with Lord Lucifer worsht him and honor his not about self deciet hopefully one person say my comment and it made sense to them. I’m not new to left hand path I was born from a pact my mom couldn’t have kids she asked the false god yehuah and nothing happened. But Lucifer heard her and anwsered her prayer. I’m not new to left hand path or what I would call it :). My comment was saying the truth you say about the left hand path of course but it’s up to use how far we go. No disrespect to your website just felt as somethings needed to be addressed because Lucifer my Lord told me to write it didn’t at first because I thought you would do a spell on me for spilling the beans 🙂 but what he has told me was the true way to him to worship him he even told me his true name he was given long ago but that’s a secret I shall forever keep! But Lucifer the master has brought me great thing’s in life. Another thing that should have been put in article is that Satan is god of this world ruler of all spirits u had put no one is like him that is correct. My relationship with father Lucifer is very simple and you can ethier be on one side you can’t serve two masters for in my opinion only Satan deserves worship but him beautiful angels deserve honor respect.but to say someone is new to the left hand path is kinda wierd to me because people can be down lhp there whole life without ever being Involved in any of this it’s two ways in life it’s ethier your with the false Christ Jesus or your with Satan period he even told me this. The best way to please the master is to denounce Jesus and everything his is if you denounce Jesus you are already a lhp person Soo no one is new to left hand path unless there a former christain nor am I a Satanist im a worshiper of Satan big difference in it actually. But I appreciate your time reading this Mrs/Ms Savannah good day

  15. Unknown person says:

    I feel sorry for the owner of this website and it’s team I don’t get were people come up with these rash ideas because long as you have foolish ideas no demon will be friend you I’ve been a vessel to Lucifer for a while now I don’t practice magic because Satan and his beautiful angels are the only magic in the universe ritual are are just as way of honoring there spirit it’s a offering to them so they may consider you request a quote he has given me the knowledge to de bunk this ( a man who know his enemies more than his brothers is a dangerous man) I’ll give you all a tip ok when you do a pact offer your soul body and mind and never fear them because they don’t punish the humble but they punish the proud that oppose them offer your self to Satan/Lucifer there is only one of him but the message I have is IF YOU REALLY WANT TO GET CLOSE TO SATAN WORSHIP HIM HONOR HIS NAME LOVE HIM ITS NOT ONE THING…. OCCULTIC KNOWLEDGE MAKES SOME FEEL THEY CAN BECOME AS GODS YOU CAN’T DONT BE FOOLISH AND SELF DECIET YOURSELF KNOW YOUR PLACE AND HUMBLE YOUR SELF BEFORE LORD LUCIFER AND THE REWARD WILL BR GRAND OR YOU CAN KEEP DOING WHAT YOU WANT CARRY ON KNOW GOOD DAY!

    • BWS says:

      Hi. I struggled to really understand your comment, as it was all one paragraph with no punctuation. So I am confused as to what you are saying? Who is in fear of the demonic here? You do realize you are commenting on a BWC website page? I think you must be quite new to the LHP, so my advice is to keep an open mind. As we get older, and can access more information, have various experiences, you will come to know that there is NO single CORRECT path to anything.

      • Unknown person says:

        What does lph mean and your right about that I agree everyone’s path is different I’m just bringing message to those who don’t understand all yet… Saying best way to get close to Satan/Lucifer there’s only two one of him but anyway is to worship him me personally I’ve given my soul etc I’m a vessel ATM but I appreciate your reply. I just carry a word of appreciation and I’m honoring my covenant to Lord Lucifer. But one question could you clarify yourself for me are you against the fact I said worship Lucifer for best relationship or my comment on what’s right and what’s wrong could you explain

        • BWS says:

          That is awesome you have found happiness in your practices. As to your question about finding the word “worship” offensive – that answer is no. Firstly, we are a global community today, therefore we have to have an open mind when it comes to the meaning of words across cultures. Secondly, the idea of the left hand path is to “do as you desire” – because you do what makes you feel closer to spirit/Lucifer/whoever. Therefore, worship, pray, praise, rejoice and love your demons as YOU desire. We don’t judge around here 😉

  16. Ryan says:

    I would like to sell my soul for two reasons. To gain revenge against the creator for his unfair punishment. I have a unquenching hatred for him for creating death and destruction. I believe god the father is a very wicked being that delights in seeing man killed women raped and children tortured and cut up. I can not describe my lust to destroy god and have the darkness take over. I believe this is the same reason Lucifer separated. Would I be able to conjure and work with Satan and his demons to help fight the war against god? By going along with his agenda would he find me useful? I also would like to Tavel to what I call reality1. What lies just beyond the mist of atoms that make up my percieved reality. The reality that is pure and solid. Unlike the one we experience when we are awake.
    I would like to make a hole in the mist of reality and travel through it and come back. I have a defibrillator implant in my chest because I have experienced sudden cardiac death. So I will be able to travel to the spirit realm and then be sent back to this reality. My touch of immortality might also be useful in this destiny I believe I have. What are some of your thoughts? I would like to make such a hole in the reality for others including myself to Tavel as we wish, freely on our own discretion to this place I call reality 1. I think this will be the most groundbreaking and important act that could ever be accomplished now I just need to figure out how to do it. I thought if I sold my soul not only would I aid in the battle I would also be able to create this entrance to the realm beyond the mist.

  17. Joel says:

    So one of my friends had a priest bless a shotgun and he blessed some shells to. He told me he was going to summon Lucifer so he could try to kill him. If he goes through with this what would Lucifer do to him? I do not want my best friend hurt or killed.

    • Bob says:

      You cannot summon Satan, and what will “blessing a shotgun and shells” do? That is nonsense. Satan cannot be killed, and certainly not by priests. All priests can do is rape children while telling you how to do sexual things.

      Visit to learn more about that, visit to learn more about Satan, and also visit for more, where you can read topics and ask questions.

  18. itslikethat says:

    Hi bws I am going to try invoke Lucifer tonight and make a pact with him and sell my soul… If it doesn’t work I will come to you for assistance, I understand this is a lifetime commitment and if I were to fail tonight and do the pact through you will I learn how to connect with Lucifer after the initial pact as I do not want to offend Lucifer and would like to maintain a healthy relationship with him, I look forward to your response

  19. RefIcul says:

    Can you tell me anything about meeting demons in dreams? I haven’t been able to actually summon any, not from lack of trying. I just don’t want to basic generic magic circles and yell “hail Satan” 30 times with candles burning. That’s basically what I come across when I look for summoning demons, I have caused paranormal trouble for someone I placed a curse on years ago. That consisted of me repeating in my head latin words I heard from shows, and then describing how the demons would deal with them. It’s not very concrete, and doesn’t work all the time. I’ve experienced more demons in my dreams, where things usually turn sexual. The demons I see have different forms from one another, never human, some human aspects tho. One particularly stood out to me, I remember him most vividly. But I can’t find his likeness anywhere and he didn’t give me a name, like I hear demons often do. Can you offer me any info or details on anything? Thanks

    • Tyler says:

      I had a dream a few years back of a hidden room in the house I grew up in and in the room there was 13 demons is the feeling I had but not in a negative way anyways when I walked in the room they smiled literally ear to ear and said welcome brother but never moved there lips. I’ve been searching for years trying to discover what this could truly mean. Any thoughts or helpful advice??

  20. bianca says:

    I’ve read that some people do evocations with him just starring at his Sigil and meditating on it? Along with chanting his Enn. I am fairly new to this but he is who I want to connect with. I’ve tried before and Did feel a presence- was unsure if it was him or a trickster spirit. But you would recommend someone new to not try to communicate with him yet? Which demon should someone new start with then? thank you.

    • BWS says:


      The power of such entities is infinite. Nothing would surprise me as to what they can do. However, we must realize that we cannot TELL them what to do, nor can we assume for them to pity our human desires. You personally need to build your relationship with the demon, and petition your request.


      • Joseph says:

        Can you use smaller words for me to understand what you are meaning? And are you able to contact me to teach me a littel more as I am lingering to find more answers for myself

  21. Hades says:

    I like Lucifer, as well as all these demons they have been good to me gone above and beyond what i asked “i intend to bring forth heaven on earth and release us all from bondage, kindly bring me the knowledge of the ages so i might bring heaven on earth” if your respectful and give them something selfless like that you dont have anything to fear. I dont think i could ask for better friends, or a family whatever way you want to put it.

    You should look up blood over intent on youtube if you want.

    • BWS says:

      Hi Brian,

      While we will generally recommend you do this work at night, it is good to know that some of the demons actually manifest their energy stronger during the day. The keys in the repetition – doing the ritual over and over again. If you’re new to this, make sure that you grab a diary, and take note of things like, the demon’s name, the day of the week, the time of day, the ritual etc. It’s more important that you find out when you best connect with the spiritual world, versus what we say in our books or what you read in forums. I know that some of my most powerful working is it done first thing in the morning. To me this is a very special time of the day, when I feel very connected to the elements and to spirit.

      I hope this helps you

      • Joshua Harmon says:

        Hello, I have been doing a lot of research recently about Lucifer and God and I was brought up to believe that Demons, fallen angels and Lucifer himself were evil. With the research that I have done I have uncovered that we all have been lied to about God and that Lucifer is the good guy and not God. I have been trying to get ahold of Lucifer but with little luck, I have bought a pendant with his Sigil etched on it, I also have been wanting to learn from him, to work with him and to get closer to him. I’m new to all of this, I have not done the evocation yet any help with this will be appreciated so I can connect with Lucifer

        • BWS says:

          Greetings Joshua. Welcome to the truth!

          It is always refreshing to hear when a person takes the time to research before blind faith. You will find that even on “this side of the fence” many people differ to who and what Lucifer is or is not. No-one is wrong nor right when sharing their honest experiences and insights.

          I strongly believe that one should keep an open mind at all times, as you never know when you’ll find another door opening to new explanations of the ancient Gods/Goddesses. Also, your own personal relationship with Lucifer will change over the years, so keep that in mind as you are starting out in the path.

          There is absolutely NO correct ritual to connect with Lucifer. You must develop your own senses and discover which sense is strongest for you – then work on receiving the messages and guidance through your own developing abilities. For some people this will be instant, and for others, like myself, it takes times and effort.

          Also, Lucifer may be difficult to connect with, so develop a relationship with another demon who interests you first. You will always give praise to Lucifer regardless of any other demon or spirit you work with from now on.

          Blessed Beast


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