Mephistopheles flying over Wittenberg, in a lithograph by Eugène Delacroix.

Mephistopheles is a demon, who works for Lucifer.

Mephistopheles comes to serve and ultimately collect the souls of those who are already damned.


A perfect demon to summon for the purposes of hexing or cursing your most hated enemy.

The Seal of Mephistopheles
From the 6th & 7th books of Moses use the power of Mephistopheles to overcome, conquer and control your enemies while protecting yourself

I will request the services of Mephistopheles whilst performing DUME works and works of darkness. Do so by placing a printed out paper Seal of Mephistopheles under the candle of Black Arts. 

You can also wear the seal around your neck at times of hexing and cursing, to both protect yourself and control the target.

Black Witch S

Other names:

Mephistophilus, Mephostopheles, Mephistophilis, Mephisto, Mephastophilis


Germany (from German folk law)


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